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Last on God's List

A Violent Life Transformed

Clare Heath-Whyte


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Last on God's List

A Violent Life Transformed

Clare Heath-Whyte


Biography | A great book to give away to a friend 

This is the story of Jason Armstrong.

From childhood he knew nothing but abuse, fighting and crime. He grew into an aggressive adult addicted to violence and drugs. Time in prison, serious injury and the deaths of close friends did nothing to alter his self-destructive course. Spiralling out of control, he dabbled in the occult with disturbing results. Then, one night, in desperation he cried out to the God he had ignored all his life.

Surely God would never listen to him – he'd be the last person on God's list.

Get the short version of Jason's story in a tract here.

Selected Endorsements:

“What a great book! It is the life-changing story of a man who runs out of road and reaches to God as a last, desperate measure and is dramatically changed. Jason has a life story anyone living or working in prison will recognise.” - Peter Harlock, Prison Fellowship Chair

"Last on God's List is a powerful and encouraging record of Jason Armstrong's miraculous transformation from a life of addiction and violence to faith in God. This is a must read for those of us who are living or have lived without hope for the future and also for those Christians who have a desire to introduce the broken and marginalised to the forgiveness, love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ." - Yvonne Edwards

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    Last on God's List

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    Clare Heath-Whyte

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Clare Heath-Whyte

Clare Heath-Whyte

Clare Heath–Whyte is a popular speaker at women’s events and a Christian biographer. Clare is married to David and serves alongside him at their church in Morden, South London.

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Overall rating

4.4 based on 5 reviews

Last on God's list

We're all capable of falling into sin and getting tangled up there. This story shows us how his amazing grace brought salvation. I'm so glad for this story to remind me that the cross has dealt with all my faults. The book also spurred me on reminding me that no-one is beyond God's reach and has given me faith to see these potential stories unfolding with people I interact with.

A powerful testimony of God's grace

'Last on God's List' is a powerful, moving and often shocking account of a life transformed by Jesus. Jason's story is faithfully told through a combination of his authentic voice and the author's narrative. I loved reading this, and being reminded of the power of God to work through the most extraordinary of circumstances, and also the most ordinary - I was particularly struck by the account of faithful parishioners praying weekly for a couple on the church prayer list that they had met once or twice, not knowing but never doubting the amazing work that God would be doing in that couple's lives. Read this book, and share with anyone who has felt 'too far' from God, or who has become 'too comfortable' in their expectations of what God is able to do!

Book of the Year

Last on God’s list is a book that testifies to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform lives, bringing true light and life into a world of darkness and despair. The story of Jason Armstrong is compelling, his brutal upbringing and lifestyle full of violence, anger and addiction and the occult describe someone who many Christians (like me) would normally steer clear of, or just never cross paths with. This book gave me even greater confidence in the Gospel – we can sometimes write off people like Jason as hopeless cases, but Jesus never does. Thank God he did not come to call the righteous but sinners (like me). Every Christian should read this and enjoy having assumptions challenged and to be greatly encouraged to see how God can work in our UK society today. Well written and easy to read Last on God’s list is an excellent evangelistic giveaway that has the potential to point many people to Christ. I now keep few copies handy to give away as the opportunities arise. My book of the year.


Must read!

Jason's story is an incredible testimony to the work of Jesus, and Jesus alone, in salvation. It's not some story about an incredibly brave pastor risking his life to save people, or a story about a man figuring things out on his own, but about God dragging someone out of the darkest pit imaginable, and using the faith, love and prayers of several Christians over decades to do it.

A potentially wonderful story, but very badly written

This contains a wonderful true story of a life blighted by violence, Prison, drugs and the occult, that is incredibly turned around by Jesus. For that alone; read it. However, it is badly crafted and poorly composed and has little discernable structure. Where was the editing? The story is one that deserves to be told, but told well. Sadly it isn't. Such a shame, because amongst the words is a testimony that is truly wonderful. This needs to be withdrawn and rewritten.

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