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Special Delivery

Colin Webster


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Special Delivery

Colin Webster



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100+ for £1.00 each (saving 75%)

What’s the best present you could hope to wake up to on Christmas day?

Even the most valuable gift will not last for ever. One day it will break or wear out. One day it will lie at the bottom of a cupboard untouched, superseded by a better model or a new fashion. You will outgrow it, get fed up with it, or find you didn’t really need it. 

But, what if there was a gift from God that proved to be exactly what you needed? One that would never spoil, fade, or go out of fashion but would bring you everlasting joy? Wouldn’t that be a gift worth receiving? 

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Colin Webster

Colin Webster

Colin Webster originates from Scotland and was converted to Christ whilst working in the oil industry.  After studying at Moorlands College he accepted a call to serve as minister, evangelist and worship leader at Cornerstone Church in Nottingham where he’s served for over 23 years.  Colin is married to Vicki and they have two teenage sons James and Ben. He has written congregational worship songs with Philip Moore (who plays piano in the band)

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Overall rating

4.5 based on 2 reviews

Highlights the importance and necessity of that first Christmas

Picking up this short read, the cleverly designed cover really catches your eye and matches the idea of a Christmas parcel perfectly. The author uses the analogy of receiving a special delivery during Christmastime, plus how and where the parcel is delivered, as a springboard to discuss key aspects of the first Christmas. This idea is linked together in a relatable way which is easy for the reader to grasp from the first chapter. Through great storytelling with humour and wit, this relevant read helpfully illustrates every concept, drawing the reader in. Rather than coming across as a defence of the Nativity story, the way it engages readers in apologetics in a simple way really challenges mindsets and encourages questions. The written style urges looking for the truth of the Christmas story, while still firmly standing on the authority of scripture. This short title manages to highlight the importance and necessity of that first Christmas, while leading to the gospel message as a whole. The connection of Jesus’ birth to His death flows smoothly and creates an accessible Christmas booklet that can be shared with others over the festive period. The book closes with the image of accepting the gift that has been delivered, sharing words of a prayer the author himself prayed when he became a Christian. He shares the hope that he has never looked back since, receiving the peace and joy Jesus has given him through salvation, as he gently nudges the reader to follow those footsteps and know God. Following this prayer the author advises the reader to find a church, to seek fellowship and read the Bible, with other helpful resources alongside. A quick read that presents the gospel, highlighting the real reason for the festive season in a relatable way, this title is great for passing on to those who need the truth of God’s Christmas hope in their lives.

Brilliantly delivered evangelistic book

I've read lots of evangelistic resources. Some are somewhat vague and miss out elements of the true gospel. Some go in hard and may lose a non- Christian at the first hurdle. Some try to crowbar a theme to the gospel. Special Delivery doesn't fall into any of these categories. Webster uses the theme of delivery/gifts cleverly and, alongside a series of interesting and many recent illustrations, gives a thorough and clear gospel explanation. It took me 25 minutes to read through, in which I laughed, I nodded along, and even welled up a little towards the end. I would have no hesitation about passing this little book to friends, family, and delivery drivers.

Also in this series

Where Is God In a Messed-Up World?
Light of the World
The Truth About Lies
12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter
Have You Ever Wondered?
Why On Earth Did Jesus Come?

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