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Parenting is perhaps the most all-consuming, life-altering role you will ever undertake. Getting your heart ready for what is about to happen is perhaps one of the most important things you can do.
In Bumps, Babies and the Gospel, Sarah Dargue will take you through the book of Colossians and help you to see that there is no better preparation for having a baby and beginning the parenting journey, than what we are offered in Christ Himself.
This book is the antenatal class you need above all else — an antenatal class for your heart.
What others are saying about Bumps, Babies and the Gospel:
"Expectant families are often encouraged to prepare their homes, nurseries, and freezers for the demands of a newborn. Parents, it seems, are not ready until every baby gear, diaper, and frozen dinner is in place. Sarah Dargue wants to add something, not to the end of our baby prep list, but our hearts. She invites growing families to gaze in awe at Christ (the firstborn of creation) and to meet parenthood with the sure hope of his gospel. Sarah’s book helps to provide the heart-level prep mommies and daddies need!”— Nana Dolce, blogger and writer at
“I wish we’d had (and been wise enough to soak in) this beautiful little book when I was pregnant with my first, but honestly, Sarah Dargue’s content is just as true and convicting and encouraging for a parent of older children. In laying the hard and joyful realities of pregnancy and parenting on top of the gospel truth in Colossians, Dargue finds dozens of ways to offer real hope and solid advice for parents in today’s Instagram, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus world.”— Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, senior writer for The Gospel Coalition
“Many motherhood books do one of two things, either speak to the mother only or speak to motherhood long after her pregnancy has ended. Sarah has written a helpful book that speaks to both parents as they prepare for the arrival of their child, and as they cope with the new reality of parenthood in those early days. By showing us that God’s word is 'living and active' in every season of life, she encourages new parents in the reality of parenthood and the hope provided in Christ. I plan on giving this away at baby showers from now on!”— Courtney Reissig, author of Teach Me to Feel: Worshiping Through the Psalms in Every Season of Life
“I wish this book had existed before I had my babies! Taking time out from all the physical preparations for parenthood and letting the Bible truths that Sarah explains so well prepare your hearts will definitely be time well spent.”— Kirsty Patterson, Pastor’s wife, mum of four and midwife
"Pregnancy and motherhood are filled with countless joys and blessings, but they’re also seasons that come with new fears, challenges, and uncertainties. Though countless books offer practical advice for healthy pregnancies and caring for babies, few speak to how the hope of the gospel will meet you when the fears arise, the nights are long, and your whole world is suddenly changed. In Bumps, Babies, and the Gospel, Sarah Dargue does just that. Whether you’re praying for children, awaiting the birth of a child, or in the throes of motherhood, Sarah’s words will be a blessing to you – not because she has all the answers, but because she will point you to the One who does.”— Sarah Walton, author of Together Through the Storms and Hope When It Hurts
“There are many books on parenting, but few on pregnancy. Sarah’s book is the first one I’ve found to helpfully address the to-be parent’s deepest need: the know and love the only Creator, Sustainer, and Goal of Creation. Full of practical wisdom on how to pursue Scripture reading, prayer, and community in the tired, trying newborn days, Bumps, Babies, and the Gospel will equip and nourish you.” — Kristen Wetherell, author of Fight Your Fears and co-author of Hope When It Hurts
Bumps, Babies and the Gospel