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Time for every thing?

How to be busy without feeling burdened

Matt Fuller



Time for every thing?

How to be busy without feeling burdened

Matt Fuller


Do you have enough time? Most of us feel pulled in too many directions, never managing to do enough.

Matt Fuller liberates us from the drive to do everything; points us to the source of true rest; and helps us assess how we can be productive without being crushed.

If you have ever felt the tyranny of a too–long to–do list, or the terror of a too–empty one, spend some precious time reading this book!

Matt Fuller

Matt Fuller

Matt Fuller is the Senior Minister at Christ Church, Mayfair in central London. Before working as a minister Matt was a secondary school teacher teaching history and politics.

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5.0 based on 1 review

How a Christian should use time

Matt Fuller shows us how to think about time from a Biblical perspective. Time is God's gift to us and how we use it depends on our priorities. Fuller helpful looks at different areas of life, such as church, work, family and leisure and shows that there is a floor of obedience below which is neglect, and that there is a ceiling of idolatry. In the middle we have freedom, knowing that God is in control and that we can trust him.

Also in this series

Purity is Possible
Honest Evangelism
A Man’s Greatest Challenge
You Can Really Grow
Compared To Her
Serving without sinking
The Heart of Singleness

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