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Anasius Trilogy (Book 2)

Rich Castro


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Anasius Trilogy (Book 2)

Rich Castro



10+ for £6.99 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £5.99 each (saving 40%)

100+ for £5.00 each (saving 50%)

“Joe and Jason were pushed towards the open manhole. They didn’t know it, but they had run directly into the clutches of the Rats...”

Tragedy has struck Anasius, forcing Prince Arlon and his companions underground. Struggling to survive, they know they need help if they’re going to save their country.

Once again, fifteen-year-old Trey and his six friends find themselves extracted – this time, into an Anasius seventy years older than the one they left.

Navigating grief, hostile forces and an underground resistance, the group meet a mysterious figure called Melek. Will they be able to turn things around? And will Zika be able to forgive himself?

Ages 12-16 | Helps teenagers navigate tricky topics of depression and self-harm (subtle, inexplicit references)

Reformation Lightning is a new publisher specialising in Christian fiction for young readers.


"Defiance artfully delivers all the earmarks of a fantastic thriller, without the unnecessary distractions of foul language and explicit scenes. This is a can’t miss sequel of the crew back in action. Plus, by the time I closed the pages, I walked away with a new appreciation for looking out for my friends and seeking the inner healing that we all desperately need to fulfil the duty of a higher calling."

Nicolas C. Day, Selah Award finalist and author of Into the Great Marinara

“Rich Castro has taken the friendships, fears and frustrations of teenage life and crafted a high-octane fantasy adventure that demonstrates why underestimating the talents and tenacity of young people is rarely a good idea.”

Peter Andrews, Resources Manager, Urban Saints

"Action packed and emotional, this book was thrilling and I loved it."

Nate, Age 13

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Rich Castro

Rich Castro

Rich Castro has been involved in youth work for 30 years, including nearly 20 years teaching in the private sector. He has a Master of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, Florida and is the author of the Anasius Trilogy.

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 3 reviews

Life lessons on perspective - an exciting read

I liked Defiance as it felt like a new exciting story while still showing the last books (extracted) effects on the characters. It also showed how perspective can deeply affect your feelings to a group and twist your ideas about them to something inaccurate. Amazing! Elizabeth (age 12)

Dramatic Read

This fast paced story continued the exciting use of underground tunnels which I read about in the first book (Extracted). I particularly liked the drama of the rescue at the end. Victoria (aged 8)

Action packed

Action packed and emotional, this book was thrilling and I loved it . Nate - 13

Also in this series

The Anasius Trilogy

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