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A Pilgrim Path

John Bunyan's Journey

Faith Cook




A Pilgrim Path

John Bunyan's Journey

Faith Cook



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This is the eBook version of A Pilgrim Path: John Bunyan's Journey, the eBook can be downloaded onto a number of different devices including, Mac, PC, Kindle, etc. A help document can be found here explaining how to access your files. This eBook is available FREE with a purchase of the physical version of A Pilgrim Path: John Bunyan's Journey, click here to buy.

Since first encountering John Bunyan’s works as a child, Faith Cook has had a fascination and love for the writing and life of the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the best-loved and most widely read books in the history of English Literature.

This well-paced and accessible biography tells the story of Bunyan’s life from his early years, to his career as a soldier in the English Civil War, through to his conversion, life as a preacher and subsequent imprisonment. While Bunyan lived in a very different time, his experience of suffering and perseverance serve as an example and encouragement for believers walking their own pilgrim path today.

“‘I am tempted to say that no one can dig up saints like Faith Cook!’ - Dale Ralph Davis

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Faith Cook

Faith Cook

Faith Cook, daughter of Stanley and Norah Rowe, missionaries of the China Inland Mission (now OMF), was born in north-west China. After missionaries were evicted from the country in 1951, she returned to the UK and attended Clarendon School in North Wales before proceeding to teacher training college in Bromley, Kent. She married Paul Cook in 1961, and they served several evangelical churches in the Midlands and Yorkshire before his retirement. They have a daughter, four sons and ten grandchildren, and now live in Breaston, Derbyshire.

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 1 review

A Fascinating insight into Bunyans life

I recently got a copy of John Bunyan's biography, A Pilgrim Path, and although I haven't fully read The Pilgrims's Progress (apart from the Little Pilgrim's Big Journey version!) I decided this was a good place to start. To give a little bit of context we've been studying Acts at church for the last few months, and I have to say I saw a lot of similarities between Paul's story in Acts and that of John Bunyan. Both had a really significant conversion experience and went on to be persecuted, wrongly accused and imprisoned because of their faith. I enjoyed the way that the author, Faith Cook, told Bunyan's story, and there were moments I cried thinking about his poor family. I found it a really interesting and challenging book, as Bunyan refused to compromise or stifle the gospel, no matter the cost to him. Not only does it make me want to read The Pilgrim's Progress more, it also makes me want to read Bunyan's other books, like The Holy War, and also to add more of Faith Cooks biographies to my To Read List.

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The Holy War
The Pilgrim 2 Pack
John Bunyan 3 pack

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