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Style Or Substance

The Nature of True Christian Ministry

William Taylor and David Dargue

Style Or Substance

The Nature of True Christian Ministry

William Taylor and David Dargue



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In every age, Christians experience pressure to conform: how we think, what we say, what we believe. Like today, some in the church of Corinth had grown weary of the message of the cross – they wanted a more glamorous Gospel. 

Paul writes into this setting. He urges the Corinthians to be confident in the ‘weak’ Gospel, to embrace ‘weak’ Christians, and to boast in ‘weak’ ministers. The purity of Paul’s message shows the foolishness of the world – for it is in this scorned ‘weakness’ that God’s awesome power is exhibited.

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William Taylor

William Taylor

William Taylor is the minister of St Helen's Bishopsgate in the City of London. He is married to Janet and they have three children - Emily, Digby and Archie. Before being ordained, William spent five years as an army officer in the British Army, in the Royal Green Jackets. He is a keen fly fisherman and enjoys rural pursuits.

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