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Why we can trust the Bible

Mike Ovey and Daniel Strange


Why we can trust the Bible

Mike Ovey and Daniel Strange



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This is the ePub eBook version of Confident, the ePub eBook can be downloaded onto a number of different devices including, Mac, PC, Kindle, etc. A help document can be found here explaining how to access your files. For the physical copy of Confident by Mike Ovey, and Daniel Strange follow the link here.

Let’s face some uncomfortable facts: many Christians can struggle with exactly the same issues about the Bible as their non–Christian friends. Is God in control? Can he be trusted? Is he moral? Does he care and can he speak into my life and my struggles? Daniel Strange and Michael Ovey set out how we can we place our complete trust in Scripture challenging both Christian’s and those outside the church. 


…intellectually satisfying, spiritually edifying and a most useful addition to your apologetic tool bag. It is presented in easily digestible portions but will add to both your knowledge and your confidence in using the bible. What a super book!

David Merideth, Minister of Smithton Free Church of Scotland, Inverness

…here’s a great book to insert vertebra into our elastic spine! In an accessible but robust way, it strengthens our confidence in scripture, builds a compelling apologetic for our conversations with non–Christians, and urges us to follow Jesus’ example by living wholeheartedly by that transforming Word.


Jonathan Lamb, Keswick Ministries, CEO and minister–at–large

Speaking both to the wider society and the Church, Daniel Strange and Mike Ovey challenge the sceptical, cynical and embarrassed approaches to the Bible, and provoke us to a greater confidence in this amazing God given gift to humanity.

Steve Clifford, General Director, Evangelical Alliance, UK

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