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as Set Apart and Growing in Christ

Dane C Ortlund, Miles V Van Pelt and Margaret Elizabeth Kstenberger


as Set Apart and Growing in Christ

Dane C Ortlund, Miles V Van Pelt and Margaret Elizabeth Kstenberger



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A Biblical Theology of Sanctification from Genesis to Revelation

God’s holiness and the sanctification of his people are key themes throughout the biblical narrative. In this addition to the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, Marny Köstenberger explores the topic of sanctification—being set apart by God for holiness—which is the impetus for a believer’s God-given mission.

Surveying the Bible from beginning to end, Köstenberger teaches that sanctification is a trinitarian enterprise: God creates humanity in his holy image, Christ delivers them from sin, and the Spirit applies the benefits of Christ’s saving work, restoring the original image in Christ. At the core, a believer’s union with Christ, and their experience of abiding in him, powerfully propels their growth in holiness.

  • Short Studies in Biblical Theology: Part of a series designed to give readers accessible volumes on God’s word—other volumes include Resurrection Hope and the Death of Death; The Sabbath as Rest and Hope for the People of God; and more
  • Analyzes the Word “Sanctification” in Both Hebrew and Greek
  • Helps Readers Understand How the Old and New Testaments Relate to Each Other
Dane C Ortlund

Dane C Ortlund

Dane C. Ortlund (PhD, Wheaton College) is the executive vice president of Bible publishing and Bible publisher at Crossway. He serves as an editor for the Knowing the Bible series and the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, and is the author of several books, including Edwards on the Christian Life. He lives with his wife, Stacey, and their five children in Wheaton, Illinois.

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Margaret Elizabeth Kstenberger

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