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The Kingdom of God

and the Glory of the Cross

Patrick Schreiner, Dane C Ortlund and Miles V Van Pelt

The Kingdom of God

and the Glory of the Cross

Patrick Schreiner, Dane C Ortlund and Miles V Van Pelt


The kingdom of God is more than just the rule and reign of God over all things. It undergirds the entire framework of Scripture, serving as the backdrop against which all other themes play out. Surveying the entirety of both the Old and New Testaments, scholar and professor Patrick Schreiner presents a definition and framework for a biblical theology of the kingdom. Defining the kingdom of God as the interplay of three concepts—the king’s power over the king’s people in the king’s place—this new volume in the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series shows how a proper understanding of the kingdom of God has tremendous implications for life here and now.

Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner

Patrick Schreiner (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of New Testament and associate dean at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of The Body of Jesus and various articles and essays.

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Dane C Ortlund

Dane C Ortlund

Dane C. Ortlund (PhD, Wheaton College) is the executive vice president of Bible publishing and Bible publisher at Crossway. He serves as an editor for the Knowing the Bible series and the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series, and is the author of several books, including Edwards on the Christian Life. He lives with his wife, Stacey, and their five children in Wheaton, Illinois.

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