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Irish American Roots

Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty


Irish American Roots

Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty




A diary of hymns and songs that underscore the Gettys’ Irish American journey. This collection is a ‘confessio’ in word and note of the musical and spiritual roots that continue to call us to the ancient paths.

We know well how a trees’ roots go down vertically beneath the soil but don’t often realize how they also reach out horizontally, sometimes several times wider than the branch width of the tree. When Psalm 1 compares the godly life to a tree planted by streams of water it is a water stream reached for by millions of people over centuries and around the world who have joined their roots together.

“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)

This idea of intertwining roots also paints a beautiful picture of how our musical roots link. They help strengthen old shelters and blossom new trees. Over the last 20 years of writing and recording music we have leaned on this – the heritage of our Irish and Scottish roots and how they grew across to the new world where we now make our home.

This album shares the words and melodies of that journey.

Keith Getty

Keith Getty

Julian Keith Getty (born 16 December 1974) is a Northern Irish composer, best known for pioneering "modern hymns". Many of his songs are co-written with his wife.

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Kristyn Getty

Kristyn Getty

Kristyn Elizabeth Rebekah Getty (née Lennox, born 22 May 1980, in Belfast, Northern Ireland) is an Irish recording artist and worship leader. With her husband, she co-writes many new songs and hymns.

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