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The book of Daniel is to the Old Testament what the book of Revelation is to the New Testament - a clear vision of the future glory of Christ - and yet has often been muddied by controversy and competing interpretations.
Brian Russell guides us carefully through the text and context of Daniel, to restore the vision of God's extraordinary power that it presents. He shows us how the book of Daniel can remind us of God's sovereignty in the calamities of the world, God's wisdom against all the knowledge of the world, and points us to Christ, God's light in this world, that will never be put out.
The Bible’s closing book, Revelation, is often neglected: apart from the imagery used in the book itself, there are the competing interpretations among sincere believers and then misuse by the cults. Brian Russell steers a safe course through these danger points. This is a book for the believer who loves the Word of God—here you will find clear interpretation in agreement with a Reformed understanding of Scripture, accompanied by warm and encouraging application. All of this is written in a style that the ordinary believer will find attractive, but with sufficient depth to give the preacher help and guidance in bringing the message of Revelation to the church.
The All Conquering Lamb / Daniel Seer Extraordinary
Bible Book
Church Leaders