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31 Gospel Patrons

Purpose Beyond Success

John Rinehart

31 Gospel Patrons

Purpose Beyond Success

John Rinehart



In this new companion book to Gospel Patrons, John Rinehart interviews 31 modern-day patrons from a diverse mix of professions and backgrounds. Each of them answer ten powerful questions like, “What do you wish you knew at 25?" and “What's one part of your routine that keeps you strong?" and "How do you treasure Jesus more than wealth and success?”

Listen in as 31 godly leaders share their wisdom and experience on stepping into the calling of a Gospel Patron. Plus, this book is full of beautiful portraits so you'll feel like you get to know each person as they guide you to find your purpose beyond success.

For more stories, articles and films from Gospel Patrons, visit

  • Title

    31 Gospel Patrons

  • Author(s)

    John Rinehart

  • ISBN


  • Format

    Cloth bound

  • Publisher

    Gospel Patrons

  • Topic

    Work & Money

  • Audience

    Adults, Student

  • Pages


  • Published


John Rinehart

John Rinehart

John Rinehart is the founder and author behind Gospel Patrons. He is married to Renée and they have two children and live in Kalispell, Montana. This journey of Gospel Patrons began with three stories from history of how God raised up business people to fuel great movements of God. John and Renée were so captured by these stories they began to share them with others. God’s hand was on this idea and John eventually wrote his first book, a blue book that has gone around the world. Gospel Patrons language and stories have given identity and validation to thousands of business and professional people and helped unlock joyful generosity that advances God’s kingdom. John speaks widely at events and conferences, helping people find a greater vision for how their lives and can connect to God’s purposes in the world. 

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