A stirring book for new and established Christians about what it means (and what it’s like) to live the Christian life … to live ‘right side up’.
The central idea of Right Side Up is that following Jesus means being turned upside down in relation to the world around us. Becoming a Christian means changing your mind about things and changing your life to live for him – thinking very differently to the rest of the world about things like money and relationships and sex. All of which, to your friends and family, can look a bit like you’ve decided to start standing on your head. Of course, the real wonder of becoming a Christian is that in fact you’re not being turned upside down, you’re being turned Right Side Up – you’re learning to live the life that God meant you to live.
Towards the end of the book, author Paul Grimmond also introduces people to some of the basic things of the Christian life – like the importance of becoming part of a church and reading the Bible and praying regularly – not as legalistic rituals but as a way of really growing in our relationship with God.
“In the process of writing the book, I’ve given it to a number of people to read and give me their comments. The people I’ve given the book to have really enjoyed reading it – from people who have only recently become Christians to some who have been Christians for three or four decades. The thing that has surprised me most as I’ve shared this book with others is that what the new Christian needs to hear is also something that’s really refreshing and encouraging for those who have been Christians for a long time. It’s a book for a new Christian and a book for someone who’s been a Christian for years and wants to be challenged and encouraged afresh to really follow Jesus.”
– Paul Grimmond
This book will remind people about how great God’s love is and about how good it is to follow Jesus. It will help them to look at the world through God’s eyes and encourage them to live the Christian life.
Right Side Up
Prayer, Church, Bible Reading
Adults, New Christian