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By God's Word Volume 1

60 reflections for living in God's world

Phillip D Jensen

By God's Word Volume 1

60 reflections for living in God's world

Phillip D Jensen




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The Scriptures are the glasses by which we bring the world into focus. When we look through the glasses of Scripture, we see God and his world and his people and ourselves more clearly. There are some things, especially about God, that we would never see at all without the Scriptures. There are many things about the world, others and ourselves that we would see in a completely distorted fashion without the glasses. The word of God changes our perspective.

Each week for the last few years, internationally renowned preacher and evangelist, Phillip Jensen, has written a short essay for the congregations he serves at St Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral in Sydney, about living in God’s world, from the perspective of God’s word.

By God’s Word is a collection of 60 of the best of these essays or reflections, which offer warm encouragement to live by God’s word in every aspect of our lives: from prayer to politics, from forgiveness to fatherhood, and from drought to democracy. Each reflection is also followed by a Bible passage for further thought and reflection.

Phillip Jensen writes in the preface to his book:
‘Since being drawn to Christ in my early teens, I have been trying to understand life and live by the word of God. It has been a wonderful journey. It has been made much richer by the many Christians with whom I have journeyed—those who have taught me and those that I have had the privilege to teach.’

‘I hope in reading these reflections you will gain something of an insight into how one Bible reading pastor views the world around him. And in gaining this insight you may be encouraged to see the world through the lens of the word of God where you are living.’


Phillip D Jensen

Phillip D Jensen

Phillip Jensen is an Australian cleric of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and the former Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral. He is the brother of Peter Jensen, the former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney.

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By God’s Word Volume 2
By God's Word Volume 1 & 2

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