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Tracing Glory

The Christmas Story Through the Bible

Sarah Rice


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Tracing Glory

The Christmas Story Through the Bible

Sarah Rice



10+ for £3.00 each (saving 50%)

50+ for £2.40 each (saving 60%)

100+ for £1.49 each (saving 75%)

This advent, help your family to understand the birth of Christ as the climactic event of a much larger story — a story about God’s mission to redeem sinful people for his glory. 

Tracing Glory: The Christmas Story Through the Bible is a twenty-five-day Advent devotional. It begins looking back at the creation of the world in the book of Genesis and ends looking forward to the new creation in the book of Revelation, tracing the glory of Jesus Christ from start to finish. 

In each day’s reading, there is a key Scripture to look up, a devotional commentary to read, a helpful summary highlighting the key point and showing how that particular Bible passage points to Jesus, and questions to prompt discussion with your family. This is a book to treasure that can be used with children of all ages.

With foreword by Nancy Guthrie.

Product Dimensions: 15.5cm x 21.5cm

Use the Tracing Glory Activity Book to create ornaments to go along with this book, so your family can enjoy listening to the gospel story, creating the ornament that corresponds to the key Scripture and hanging it up.


“Every Christian parent wants to teach his or her children the meaning of Advent and Christmas. What we sometimes do, though, is to imply that Christmas is the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ in a way that disconnects it from the rest of the year, and the story from the rest of the Bible. In that case, the Advent story can become like a Nativity scene on the mantle, to be packed away in January until the next year. In this book, Sarah Rice, a brilliant Bible teacher and a wise mom, shows us a better way. This book will help parents and kids to love the Bible and to love Jesus in a way that can last through a whole year’s calendar, and through a whole person’s life.” 

Russell Moore, Director, the Public Theology Project, Christianity Today; author, The Courage to Stand

"In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it can be difficult to find time together as a family to focus on Jesus. Thankfully, Sarah Rice has put together a creative and encouraging devotional book, Tracing Glory: The Christmas Story Through the Bible, that allows families a wonderful way to understand how the entire Bible points to Jesus. This book is a welcome resource to help families keep Jesus at the center of our Christmas celebrations!"

Melissa Kruger, author and director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition


  • Title

    Tracing Glory

  • Author(s)

    Sarah Rice

  • Series

    Tracing Glory Advent

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    4-7s, 8-11s

  • Topic


  • Audience

    Children, Families

  • Pages


  • Published


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Sarah Rice

Sarah Rice

Sarah Rice is a pastor’s wife and mother of four living in North Alabama. She holds a Masters of Arts in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and writes regularly at She counsels, teaches, and disciples women.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 10 reviews

Enlightening book

Tracing Glory deeply affected my life, especially page 2, about Christians being “Glory reflectors”. The book is well written for children and adults, clearly detailing God’s story, confirmed by scripture, from the beginning to the end. I have bought many copies of this book and passed it on to others and continue to do so. It’s not just for Christmas, but for any time of year, a wonderful, inspiring devotion.

Tracing Glory

I was thrilled that Sarah wrote Tracing Glory: The Christmas Story Through the Bible and love how it connects he story of Jesus to the entire Bible. We used it in several ways in December 2018. Two of us in our church adapted it to use for Advent readings during Sunday morning worship services. We made copies for our young adult Sunday school class and used it for teaching for the month of December. At home, we read it daily for individual devotional time. You won’t regret using it and adapting it to any age person to focus on the beautiful redemption story of Christmas!

Donette Mullinix

Tracing Glory

This book is has been such a gift to our family! One of the reasons why I love it so much is that it’s not just another Christmas story; it lends itself to every type of learner! The Biblical stories coupled with the making of the ornaments has allowed the entire story of the Bible to come alive for my son! It gives perfect context to why we celebrate Christmas and the birth of our needed, promised, Savior. Tracing Glory tells the whole story of the Bible complete with the cross and the hope of heaven! Both my children look forward to this new favorite, family, advent tradition!

Jodi Biegel

Tracing Glory

This is an essential for our family during the Christmas season. We all know how the world can distract us from the real reason we celebrate. This advent helps us, as a family, to put Jesus at the centre of our focus. Each night we are able to come together and read about God’s perfect plan of redemption from the beginning of the Bible to the end. I love that this is written in language that is appealing to children, teenagers, and adults alike, making it useful year after year.

Chrissy K.

Tracing Glory

This is a helpful devotional book, designed for families to use together in the run up to Christmas. The author recognises that it is easy for us to lose sight of Jesus in all the festivities of Christmas and she wishes to help families keep their focus on Him. It comprises 25 Bible readings with associated commentary, aiming to explain the ultimate story of God’s redemption of His people through Jesus Christ His son, all for His glory. The writing is clear and accessible and the author also includes a helpful glossary of words that may need more explanation or discussion i.e. glory. Each day also includes a summary box of the main point, how this connects to Jesus and some suggested discussion questions. I found this particularly helpful when reading with a younger child and in this way, it could be useful for families with a mix of ages. As so much material is covered each day I think it would be important to read this with children to allow for questions and further exploration of the main points. I found the emphasis on the whole arc of the Bible very helpful, as it is easy to only focus on the story of Jesus’ birth and miss the greater story that Christmas is but a part of. It is not just our children who need to know this story as their own and this will also help parents and carers reading with their children to see their place in God’s amazing story of redemption.

Mairi de la Haye

Tracing Glory

What I love most about this study is that is starts in Genesis 1 at Creation and goes on to the creation of man in the image of God, the fall, Noah; Abraham, Issac and Jacob, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, King David, Solomons temple, and the promises that Christ is coming. We don’t get to the birth of Jesus until December 21st! It feels like the anticipation builds as we see our need for a saviour and the excitement grows as His coming gets closer and closer. The last two days of advent deal with the reason that Christ came – to die on a cross and rise again so that sinners can be forgiven and made right with God. The book ends on Christmas day with a call to ‘Come, Let us Adore Him’. Each page has a Key Scripture to read, going from Genesis 1 to Revelation 21, followed by a short devotional. Each page ends with a short summary explaining the Main Point, Christ Connection and then three Discussion Questions. My eldest child is four and this book is definitely simple and short enough for her to understand and stay focussed, but equally has way enough content to have a good discussion with older children too. This book is really beautifully and simply designed. The front cover is beautiful but it is black and white inside and would have been nice to have the same colour and illustrations inside, but that is such and minor point it’s hardly worth mentioning. We’re all really excited to get stuck into this throughout December and would recommend it to anyone looking for an advent study to do with their family.

Natasha Weber

Tracing Glory

Keeping Jesus at the centre of Christmas in a world that focuses on gifts, lights and all kinds of shiny things with children isn’t the easiest thing. Having the creativity to engage children with the Christmas story is hard too. Thankfully people like Sarah Rice so a great job at creating resources to help families along. In this family Advent devotional, which lasts for 25 days, you’ll start at Creation and end at the New Creation. In–between those two bookends you’ll take a journey through the Bible tracing the glory of Jesus and helping you see how great the Christmas story is. Each day has a Scripture reading, a simple explanatory devotional, a main point, a connection of how the daily truth points to Jesus and some discussion questions. On the 10ofThose website you can also download instructions to create ornaments each day which will help your children to remember the story and you’ll be decorating your tree at the same time.

Alistair Chalmers

Various ages can use Tracing Glory

I was thrilled that Sarah wrote Tracing Glory: The Christmas Story Through the Bible and love how it connects he story of Jesus to the entire Bible. We used it in several ways in December 2018. Two of us in our church adapted it to use for Advent readings during Sunday morning worship services. We made copies for our young adult Sunday school class and used it for teaching for the month of December. At home, we read it daily for individual devotional time. You won’t regret using it and adapting it to any age person to focus on the beautiful redemption story of Christmas!

Donette Mullinix

Tracing Glory

This book is has been such a gift to our family! One of the reasons why I love it so much is that it’s not just another Christmas story; it lends itself to every type of learner! The Biblical stories coupled with the making of the ornaments has allowed the entire story of the Bible to come alive for my son! It gives perfect context to why we celebrate Christmas and the birth of our needed, promised, Savior. Tracing Glory tells the whole story of the Bible complete with the cross and the hope of heaven! Both my children look forward to this new favorite, family, advent tradition!

Jodi Biegel

Fantastic family resource!

This is an essential for our family during the Christmas season. We all know how the world can distract us from the real reason we celebrate. This advent helps us, as a family, to put Jesus at the center of our focus. Each night we are able to come together and read about God's perfect plan of redemption from the beginning of the Bible to the end. I love that this is written in language that is appealing to children, teenagers, and adults alike, making it useful year after year.

Chrissy K.

Also in this series

Tracing Glory Ornament Activity Book
Tracing Glory 2 Pack

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