Christians are called to exercise dominion in a digital age. Yet our technological world influences us with each notification, app, and upgrade; our habits dominate and shape us.
Digital Dominion moves us from mindlessly incorporating our devices into all of life to mindfully stewarding them in obedience to God. In this book, Jeff Mingee asks five questions to help us apply biblical wisdom to our digital habits and control our devices instead of being controlled by them. Providing a theological foundation as well as clear questions, this book is an accessible primer for digitally engaged believers.
Chapters include:
- Dominion
- Am I in Control?
- How Is This Shaping Me?
- Does This Help Me Flourish?
- Can I Discern Wisdom and Folly?
- Am I Being Missional?
“For good or ill, the digital world is here to stay. Jeff’s short book gives Christ followers a resource to navigate that world. If the digital sphere has taken dominance in your life, Digital Dominion will help you turn the tables.”
J.D. Greear, Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC; author, What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?
“In the first century ad, the first Christians used the Roman roads to carry the gospel to the world. The Roman roads were created for both military and commercial use, but the first believers used it to share the message of Christ. The internet is our Roman road today. It is not always used for good, but Christians have the opportunity to have a powerful missional presence in the digital world. Digital Dominion is an incredible roadmap to tell us how believers should travel these roads today.”
Thom S. Rainer, Author, The Post-Quarantine Church
“Digital discipleship is an emerging area of urgent focus in pastoral ministry. How do we become faithful disciples of Jesus in such an over-stimulated, often-unwise digital age? How can we make sure technology isn’t using us more than we’re using it? Jeff Mingee’s book is an excellent, practical engagement with these timely questions. Those in ministry or training for ministry would benefit greatly from applying the book’s wisdom in their lives and ministry spheres. We need to be asking these questions and having these conversations!”
Brett McCracken, Senior Editor, The Gospel Coalition
“Digital devices, like all devices, have the power to bless or curse, to build up or tear down. Without wisdom from above and the moral steel to act on that wisdom, we will be cursed and possibly destroyed by the plethora of digital devices at our fingertips. Digital Dominion is both timely and desperately needed in our day. It is grounded in biblical and theological truth. It is also practical and sensible. Read it with much profit and then go and put what you have learned into practice.”
Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Christians today live in the digital age, with its perils and promise. This requires an awareness of and discipleship toward healthy habits of engagement with our devices and with the interconnectedness of the world. Digital Dominion is a helpful guide to steer us away from two extremes: either total disengagement or total immersion. This issue of digital stewardship is one of the most important discipleship issues of our time. And this book is a must-read for anyone, from pastor to parent to plumber, who wishes to honor Christ well with their online lives.”
Daniel Darling, Author, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas, and A Way with Words: Using Our Online Conversations for Good.
Digital Dominion
Self Control