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Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic?

Jonathan Gemmell and Andrew Sach


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Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic?

Jonathan Gemmell and Andrew Sach


You’re not sure what you think about God. You’re not an atheist – you’re not that confident of his non-existence. You’re not a Christian or a Muslim, though you’ve got nothing against either of them. You prefer to identify as a humble agnostic. Some would say you’re sitting on the fence, but why not? It’s a comfortable enough place to be. Why can’t we all just admit we don’t know?

 Yet sometimes you do have questions. Where did we come from? What happens when we die? Can anyone make sense of all the suffering in the world? What’s it all for? You wouldn’t mind answers to some of them, as long as no one tried to brainwash you. You’re not 100% sure that you enjoy not being sure.



“Investigate the evidence, explore their reasoning and consider the most coherent explanation for the realities of life and death and the impact of Jesus on those realities. I think you will find the book, short though it is, both challenging and compelling.”

Sir Jeremy Cooke, retired High Court Judge; International Justice of the Singapore International Commercial Court and of the Dubai International Financial Centre Court

“I wish someone had given me this book fifty years ago so that I hadn't wasted ten years of my life failing to know God.” 

Peter Robinson, Professor of Computer Technology, University of Cambridge

“As I read this short book, to my surprise I found myself subconsciously making a list of family and friends I was desperately hoping would read it! Why was that? First, because Sach and Gemmell have both taken very seriously and listened very hard to the questions of sceptics and agnostics. And second, because they have answered their questions with logic, learning and not a small dose of fun. I thoroughly recommend this eminently engaging and very useful book.”

Rico Tice, Associate Minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, Co-author of Christianity Explored

“So much more than a presentation of evidence, this book is a compelling and winsome argument for why sceptics should embrace asking questions of Jesus, and why the answers mean it’s worth the effort. I enjoyed it all, and found myself strengthened in my own faith as I read. A gift for sceptics and believers alike – buy it and share it!”

Amy Wicks, Associate Pastor for Women’s Discipleship, St Silas Church Glasgow. 

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    Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic?

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    Jonathan Gemmell and Andrew Sach

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Andrew Sach

Andrew Sach

Andrew Sach serves part–time as a pastor at Grace Church Greenwich, and part–time as a tutor on the Cornhill Training Course, helping to train other preachers. He has a background in science that began with an explosives factory in his parents’ garage aged 15 and ended with a PhD on why two ears are better than one. He enjoys playing Bach on the piano and attempting to pour nice shapes in his coffee with frothed milk. He is co–author of the Dig Deeper books.

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 3 reviews

Both winsome and provoking

A great (short) read. Funny and relatable, it doesn't pull it's punches, but manages to do it in a winsome, non-patronising way (impressive!). A compelling call to agnostics to seriously consider the person of Jesus Christ

Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic?

This is not a heavy read, but that does not mean it is not a good read! It is a book for a serious reader but could well be used to provide conversation starters in an evangelistic discussion group. The book answers some of the objections to biblical truth, the resurrection and so on in an easy style. There is plenty to challenge the sceptic and plenty of gospel.

Sheila Stephen, Evangelical Magazine

Are You 100% Sure You Want To Be an Agnostic?

Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell have given us a very accessible short book aimed at agnostics. Agnostics are divided into three categories: 1. Those who don’t know whether God exists 2. Those who think we can’t know whether God exists (really a claim to total knowledge) 3. Those who don’t want to know whether God exists (sceptics) Sach and Gemmell bring eye–witness accounts to bear from John’s Gospel, including the irony of a blind man in John 9 seeing who Jesus is, when the Pharisees remain spiritually blind. Using the rules of logic, the authors urge their readers to examine the premises that lead to their conclusions – the Pharisees came to the wrong conclusions about Jesus because their premises were wrong. Andrew uses his brief experience as a criminal suspect (happily and swiftly exonerated!) to discuss evidence and how we can know things happened. They show the fallacy of an excessively sceptical approach, and that the Bible is reliable. Not taking a decision is in itself a decision which has consequences, illustrated by an approach to a medical diagnosis. You have to get on a train to arrive at destination, but which train to take? Here the authors helpfully urge their readers to consider who has both been a major historical figure and claimed to be God – there has only been one such person: Jesus. Finally the authors call on agnostics to recognise their biases. We do not want to enter the light because it exposes our sin (John 3.19), but Jesus deals with our sin, and knowing him far from spoiling our fun, brings joy now and forever. The book is written in a rigorous but not academic way and is full of humour. I would certainly consider giving it to any agnostics I know.

Stephen Ayre

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