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Fresh Pathways in Prayer

Julian Hardyman



Fresh Pathways in Prayer

Julian Hardyman


We are awaiting stock on this item. Available 06/02/2025

If you’ve ever felt like you’re the only person who’s thought that prayer is a bit strange, then this is the book for you. It can feel wrong to admit that having a conversation with someone we can’t see can feel rather unusual. Prayer is one of those disciplines that we all know we should be doing more regularly and perhaps enjoying more than we are, but the reality is that it can be something even mature Christians find a struggle. Prayer doesn’t come naturally to most of us which can leave us feeling guilty, stuck in a rut, or far away from God. 

Julian Hardyman tackles head-on those questions we all have about prayer, but feel we can’t ask. He gives us permission to be honest about how our prayer lives are going and he provides fresh, practical ideas to help us to enjoy talking to our heavenly Father.

What others are saying about Fresh Pathways in Prayer:

"This short book will be a tonic to new and mature Christians alike — anyone who feels their prayer life needs some encouragement and energy. This is a great little book, simultaneously practical and profound. Drawing on biblical patterns of prayer along with a careful selection of Christian spirituality across the centuries, Julian Hardyman offers a dozen or so simple things that you can do as you pray. But, if done in the context of faith, they will lead you into a deeper, richer relationship with God. There is something here to freshen up the prayer life of every believer. I’m looking forward to re-reading it and putting it into practice."  Tim Chester, Pastor of Grace Church Boroughbridge and faculty member of Crosslands Training

"Julian Hardyman shows a deep understanding of the human heart and an abundance of real-life wisdom that can only have come from a veteran pastor whose own prayer life is genuine, honest, and deep, but not without struggles of his own. I found much fresh insight in his remarkably practical, helpful, biblically-anchored book. Highly recommended!"  Wayne Grudem, Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies Phoenix Seminary, Arizona

"For any Christian who longs to deepen their relationship and experience of God, yet who, at times, struggles to pray, this book will be of unequalled benefit. In his characteristically honest style, Julian walks us through the difficult paths of prayer we invariably tread and then offers wonderfully insightful biblical and practical ideas to help us find Fresh Pathways in Prayer. I am convinced this little book far outweighs its size in honesty and wisdom and will change the prayer life of every one of its readers."  Val Archer, Pastor's wife, speaker, and member at Chessington Evangelical Church and The Globe Church, London.

"Fresh Pathways in Prayer stands out for its wise blend of personal honesty with biblical truth.  It makes prayer, which can seem an unattainable ideal, into a practical resource.  If you want to pray but feel defeated before you even begin, Julian Hardyman’s faithful guidance here can help you." Ray Ortlund, Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee 



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    Fresh Pathways in Prayer

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    Julian Hardyman

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Julian Hardyman

Julian Hardyman

Julian was born near Windsor in 1964. Brought up in a Christian family, he became a Christian through the Christian Union at his secondary school. He read English at New College, Oxford, also serving on the CU Executive Committee, and then studied at the London College of Printing before working in the printing and publishing industries. Julian was appointed as Senior Pastor of Eden in September 2002. Julian is married to Debbie and they have 3 children; Robin, Fiona and Kitty.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Fresh Pathways in Prayer

This book is like a cosy wee chat with the best kind of friend; the one who will support and encourage you, but also insistently challenge you to be a better person. Or in this case, a better pray–er. It is undemanding, yet skewering. It is kind, yet persistent. It is very well–written, and constantly leads the reader back to a conversation with God. Through 14 chapters, Hardyman deals with most of our excuses for why we don’t pray as well or as often as we should. It is a book ideally suited for reading with a friend, or with someone who is exploring faith in Jesus for the first time. However, I challenge even the most mature Christian not to see echoes of themselves in some of the examples. Indeed, one of the most attractive characteristics of the book is the author’s willingness to share his own fears and failings, from sermon preparation to marital harmony. It makes his message even more approachable, but he never sinks into self–pity or false humility. Of all the things to enjoy about this book, I particularly appreciated the sections which describe a conversation between a Christian who is struggling, and a more mature Christian friend. They offer a great example for anyone in pastoral work to use when discipling people who struggle to pray, and they are equally helpful if you are reading the book as that person who doesn’t find it easy to talk to God. There are a multitude of books on prayer available, and many are excellent. Where this one excels, however, is in its approachability. If you give this book away to someone, you can be sure they will be in safe hands.

Miriam Montgomery

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