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Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Old Testament Daily Readings

Glen Scrivener


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Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Old Testament Daily Readings

Glen Scrivener


Volume 1 of Reading Between the Lines will take you through 181 Old Testament Bible readings. These devotions will point you to Jesus, warm your heart and encourage you to keep going as a Christian. 

What others are saying about Reading Between the Lines:

"It is so easy to fall into an over-familiar reading of the Bible after many years of Bible reading.  Glen's great gift is to show us what we are reading, to bring sparkle back to these wonderful Bible phrases.  For those new to the Bible, it helps them to see how this book has shaped our daily language. For many people I know these studies helped them to venture out into new territory in the Bible, those parts that they didn't usually read.  This is an excellent book and a great gift."  Paul Blackham, Pastor of St Crispins, Highbury and Author of Bible Explored

"Glen Scrivener can be relied upon for brilliant insights into God’s Word, which he then turns into bang-up-to-the-minute applications. His writing is challenging, but always a pleasure, and his desire to honour Christ in all things is infectious and refreshing.”  James Cary, writer of Death by Civilisation and The God Particle

"I love this book! Glen has a knack for looking at familiar biblical texts from unfamiliar angles, and he's done it again here. Pithy yet profound, easy to read yet deeply challenging, Reading Between the Lines uncovers a multitude of surprising ways in which the Scriptures speak about Jesus."  Steve Jeffery, Minister of Emmanuel Church in North London, and co-author of Pierced for Our Transgressions

"Most books about the Bible leave you feeling it is a difficult book. Glen's book, however, leaves the reader feeling I really must enjoy reading my Bible more so I can see the beauty and wisdom of Jesus Christ." Steve Levy, Pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist, Swansea, author of Bible Explored

"Glen has the enviable gifting of simply and beautifully showing you Jesus in all the Scriptures. This book will adjust the focus lens of your heart to see more clearly the wonder of our Saviour from beginning to end. It will make you happy in Jesus."  Michael Luehrmann, pastor of City Evangelical Church, Leeds

“Give this book to the person you want to know Jesus better.”  Nate Morgan-Locke, author of Soul and co-author of Life Explored

"This book stands out amidst the multitude of others in this genre because Glen actually believes that the Scriptures are about Jesus. Within a week you'll forget that you used to think that seeing Christ on every page was a challenge, and you'll be reading your Bible because you want more of Jesus and the life He brings."  Rich Owen, Pastor of Worthing Tabernacle

“During a particularly difficult time of church ministry, these daily reflections kept me going. This book will strengthen you with gospel encouragement and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.”  Tim Vasby-Burnie, Vicar of St George’s Church, Shrewsbury

"Glen combines a reverent focus on the Christ-filled meaning of all scripture with his world-class skill of making things clear. That is what makes these precious daily studies so enlightening and nourishing."  Joel Virgo, Pastor, Emmanuel Church, Brighton.


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Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener is an author, speaker and creator of the 321 evangelism course ( Originally from Australia, he directs Speak Life, a UK-based ministry seeking to captivate church and world with the love of Jesus. A native of Australia, he now lives in Eastbourne, England with his wife Emma and their two children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 10 reviews

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

These devotions from the OT are very readable and always point to Christ and the Gospel. A devotional reader, a guide to how to read the OT, and a mini–commentary all rolled into one. Brilliant.

Stephen Ayre

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

The first volume of Glen’s daily Scripture readings through the whole Bible offers the reader 181 daily reflections from the beginning of Genesis to the close of Zechariah. Whilst ​Reading Between The Lines​ takes you from the first to the thirty–eighth book of the Old Testament, journeying through history books, law, poetry and prophecy, the theme is consistent throughout. Glen’s daily studies reinforce the wonderful Gospel truth at the heart of all Scripture. From the majesty of the Lord as creator, to the anguish of David in the Psalms, Glen points the reader to our triune God in a reflective, genuine and emotive manner. Each reflection is short enough to be managed in the morning before work, or the evening before bed, yet not so short as to be devoid of good, solid spiritual truth. Glen has written a helpful book of short studies that could guide the reader through the whole story of the Old Testament, reinforcing the truths of who our glorious God is, and who we are before, and in Him. I look forward to opening up Volume 2, and exploring the New Testament through these studies!

Ed Creedy

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

In our home group we’ve been studying the first nine books of the Old Testament. I must say I have felt bogged down and discourage by endless battles and bloodshed and felt I needed a break! When I picked up this book, I did so tentatively. What I love about the Bible readings is that they are Christ–focused. Most take up only two pages of the book and so are manageable for today’s busy Christian. The writer seems to be talking directly to the reader, in a chatty style, with contemporary anecdotes and verbal illustrations where this will help the understanding. The author does not cover all the chapters of the Old Testament and sometimes the focus is on a whole passage or just a verse. However, it is Jesus who shines out of these Old Testament passages. Everything is very accessible to the new Christian, as well as coming fresh to the seasoned believer. I can’t wait for Volume 2 to be published.

Sheila Stephen – Evangelical Magazine

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

In 181 daily readings evangelist Glen Scrivener takes readers through the Old Testament, with a concentration on the earlier book (Isaiah is not reached until Day 145). The focus throughout is on the centrality of Christ in the Old Testament Scriptures and their relevance for God’s people today. Australian–born Scrivener writes in an attractive contemporary style that offers biblical meat in digestible form. Each study of 2 or 3 pages keeps close to the biblical text yet also provides fresh and sometimes striking insights. Any believers would profit from these readings, but they might be of greatest benefit to a young believer seeking to understand how the Old Testament is Christian Scripture and of vital significance today.

David McKay

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

In a page or two each morning Glen Scrivener unpacks deep theology, big concepts about God and mind–blowing Biblical truths in a way that is so easy to read, relatable and understandable. I have already done some underlining to quote him in future sermons! This book does exactly what it says on the tin (or on the cover) it points you to Jesus, warms your heart and encourages you to keep going as a Christian. If you’re looking for a gift to brighten you up on the cold and dark January mornings I highly recommend buying this book.

Alistair Chalmers

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Reading between the lines is how I begin my day & it is a great blessing in my life. Glen communicates gems from scripture in an easy to understand & thought provoking way, with incredibly helpful insights. A wonderful resource for anyone at any stage of their walk with Christ.

Samie Franklin

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

A refreshing, energising look at the bible. It's bite sized, great for a nibble but has enough content to chew over all day if you wish.

Erin Hunt

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Glen is excellent at putting into practice the truth that all of the bible is about the gospel of Jesus. Reading between the lines is always short enough to have time for but rich enough to keep you thinking about through the day!

Jamie Dickson

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Awesome! Jesus shines through and I love that! I’ve learned a lot. I think these posts are very helpful for Christians and non-Christians who are interested in the Bible! Clear and succinct

Cynthia Dauber

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 1

Wonderful devotional. Our Elders' Board is using it as our devotional this year. I highly recommend it.

Dwight Enfield

Also in this series

Reading Between The Lines: Volume 2
Reading Between The Lines: Volumes 1 & 2

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