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Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World

Help for Parents

Eliza Huie


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Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World

Help for Parents

Eliza Huie


Our lives are influenced by technology like never before. Screens and devices have become a part of our daily lives bringing many benefits, as well as challenges – not least to the area of parenting.

Our kids are digital natives, never having known a world that wasn’t saturated with screens, their knowledge and experience rapidly outstrip that of even the most technologically literate parents. Raising them to make safe and godly choices in this area is difficult as many of us are still working out how to use technology wisely ourselves.

Eliza Huie, a parent and Christian counselor, gives 5 tips to help us parent in this screen-saturated world. Her advice is biblical, practical, and non-judgmental as she explores how we can use our access to technology to help ourselves and our kids grow in love for God and service to one another.

“Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World should be on every parent’s required reading list. Calling us to grasp the never-changing realities of Galatians 5:13 and Deuteronomy 6:5-7 in a rapidly shifting digital world, Eliza Huie avoids a mere list of dos and don’ts and drills into the heart of the issue. Eliza’s parenting tips are practical, while the biblical truth she highlights is a guiding lighthouse amidst the turbulence of technology that buffets our kids’ daily lives.” ~ Joshua Cooley, Children’s Minister and Author

“Eliza has written a concise book that guides parents in how to navigate screen use with their children. She engages the parent to focus more on the heart of their individual child regarding screens vs. laying down the law and for the parent to be more involved in the life of their child vs. just the business of their child. The book is an encouraging and convicting read.” ~ Rachael Rosser, The Village Church Groups Minister & Licensed Counselor

“Raising Kids in a Screen Saturated World is a necessary book for parents. As a counselor, I regularly see parents struggle through decisions related to social media and technology. This is the book I will be recommending from now on. Eliza offers parents just what they need – a perspective on technology that is practical, relevant, and filled with hope.” ~ Esther Smith, LCPC, Biblical Counselor, and Author

“Timely, discerning, and balanced, Eliza Huie provides parents with a reliable compass for navigating wisely in this digital age.”~ Paul Tautges, Author; Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church, Mayfield Heights, Ohio; Founder, Counseling One Another

  • Title

    Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World

  • Author(s)

    Eliza Huie

  • Series

    Raising Kids

  • ISBN


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  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Technology, Parenting

  • Audience


  • Pages


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Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie

Eliza Huie is an experienced marriage and family counselor. She has completed three levels of certificate training from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). She is currently working on completing her Masters in Counseling in the Graduate School of Counseling at Biblical Seminary. She is also a contributing writer for the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World

This is a very short book on a very important subject. Eliza has gleaned the wisdom and insight of books like 'The tech-wise family' and produced a readable book that gives plenty of practical and realistic thought on raising children in our tech-saturated age. This is a great first book to read on the subject - especially if you are a busy parent.

Jonathan Thomas

Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World

I was able to read this book in a few days of snatched 10 minutes. The chapters are really short so you can read it in chunks, or if you read it cover to cover it would probably only take half an hour or so. The aim of the book is not to tell you exactly what you should do in regards to the issue, but to discuss it within a biblical context, get you thinking about it and provide you with a few tips and principles on how to deal with it. I love that it hasn’t gone for the “ALL TECHNOLOGY IS EVIL” approach, but has accepted we are in a changing world, where we are parenting kids who are digital natives. For those of you with babies or toddler, read it and prepare yourself for the future. For those of you with older children or teenagers who feel like they are already failing in this arena, then read it as it will help you figure out a plan to get back in charge.

Rachel Ridler

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