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Ministry of the Word

Wallace Benn


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Ministry of the Word

Wallace Benn


Ministering the Word of God isn’t just an activity that happens on a Sunday morning, but is something that should permeate every area of our service.

Wallace Benn takes us to Paul as an example of a leader who shared the gospel publicly and privately and with all types of people.  Wallace zooms in on Paul’s conversation with the Ephesian church leaders in Acts chapter 20. He looks at the 7 verbs Paul uses to describe preaching to help us to see that ministering the Word is more than just preaching a faithful sermon.

This is an ideal read for those contemplating full-time ministry or starting out in ministry as well as those seeking to equip and train new church leaders.

  • Title

    Ministry of the Word

  • Author(s)

    Wallace Benn

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    Church Leaders

  • Pages


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Wallace Benn

Wallace Benn

Wallace Benn is the retired Bishop of Lewes in the Church of England. Previously he was the pastor of a large Anglican Church and is in demand as a conference speaker at events such as New Word Alive and New Horizons.

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5.0 based on 2 reviews

Ministry of the Word

10ofThose excel in producing short books that cover a lot of ground, and Ministry of the Word is a great example of this. In less than fifty pages, Wallace Benn provides an introduction to the ministry of the Word in all forms – both the work of the preacher but also the work of all Christians as we seek to share the Word with others. The book focuses on Paul’s final message to the Ephesian church leaders in Acts 20 and from that passage we are provided with the encouragement to focus on God’s Word in all areas of service. Benn reminds us that the ministry of the Word is not restricted to preaching on Sunday morning but should impact everything we do in the Church. This book is a great read for anyone who is thinking about pursuing full–time ministry or for someone starting out in ministry.

Stephen Allison, Minister–Elect to Kiltarlity Free Church

Ministry of the Word

Wallace Benn's latest book, 'Ministry of the Word' - like so many of 10ofthose's shorter titles - packs an incredibly powerful punch, and far more wisdom than that which we had any right to expect, into its 36 pages. Focusing on Paul's meeting with the Ephesian church leaders (Acts 20: 17-38) Benn draws out challenges for all pastors, preachers and those - all Christians - involved in Word ministry. Reminding the reader first that "the ministry of the Word was to dominate and control every aspect of the life of an overseer/presbyter", and highlighting Paul's lifestyle of humble service of a Lord he loved, Benn then spends time considering each of the seven verbs used by Paul in the passage from Acts 20 to describe the task of Word ministry. It is an astonishing, powerful and crystal-clear model of the Word ministry that he is teaching about - rich in insight and learning, but light in touch and engaging in tone. Benn concludes this wonderful study of Paul's famous last words to the Ephesian church leaders by reminding us of Paul's sensitive and brave proclamation of the gospel "in public and from house to house" (v20), his missionary heart, and his total dependence on God. I defy any Christian to read this and not immediately want to re-read it, pray about it, and preach God's word with energy and love - both, as Richard Baxter said, "privately to a particular sinner" and in public. A brilliant little book. Jonathan Storey Grace Church Cheltenham

Jonathan Storey

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