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The Trellis and the Vine

The ministry mind-shift that changes everything

Colin Marshall

The Trellis and the Vine

The ministry mind-shift that changes everything

Colin Marshall



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All Christian ministry is a mixture of trellis and vine.

There is vine work: the prayerful preaching and teaching of the word of God to see people converted and grow to maturity as disciples of Christ. Vine work is the Great Commission.

And there is trellis work: creating and maintaining the physical and organizational structures and programs that support vine work and its growth.

What’s the state of the trellis and the vine in your part of the world? Has trellis work taken over, as it has a habit of doing? Is the vine work being done by very few (perhaps only the pastor and only on Sundays)? And is the vine starting to wilt as a result?

The image of the trellis and the vine raises all the fundamental questions of Christian ministry:

  • What is the vine for?
  • How does the vine grow?
  • How does the vine relate to my church?
  • What is vine work and what is trellis work, and how can we tell the difference?
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Colin Marshall

Colin Marshall

Colin Marshall has spent over 30 years training men and women in the ministry of the gospel, both in university and local church contexts. He is a graduate of Moore Theological College, Sydney, and is a consultant with Vinegrowers. In addition to being a co-author on The Trellis and the Vine, he is the author of Growth Groups, a training course for small group leaders, and Passing the Baton, a handbook for ministry apprenticeship.

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Also in this series

The Vine Project
Vine Journal Issue 3
Vine Journal Issue 5
The Small Group and the Vine Workbook
The Trellis and the Vine (Simplified Chinese)
The Vine Movement
Vine Ministry Pack

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