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A Fresh Start

John Chapman

A Fresh Start

John Chapman



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The book has four parts. Part 1 deals with God's solution to our problem. It assumes the existence of God, that Jesus Christ is God's unique Son, and that the Bible gives accurate information about God.

Part 2 is written for those who are uncertain about God's existence and whether Jesus is God's Son. It also sets out to show that the New Testament histories about Jesus are reliable and that the Bible does give us accurate information about God.

Part 3 deals with the serious responsibility of responding to God in his way rather than your own way.

Part 4 sets out in detail what we need to do to become Christians, and how we can be sure we are Christians.

  • Title

    A Fresh Start

  • Author(s)

    John Chapman

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Matthias Media

  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


John Chapman

John Chapman

John Chapman (1930—2012) - affectionately known as 'Chappo' - was a well known evangelist, Bible teacher, and author of the best-selling A Fresh Start and Know and Tell the Gospel.

For 25 years, he was the Director of the Anglican Department of Evangelism in Sydney. In his 'retirement', he continued to teach at Bible colleges, to speak at conventions around the world, and to find time for the occasional game of tennis and golf.

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