Everyone agrees that if the whole universe, and especially planet Earth with its incredibly complex order and beauty, evolved little by little and step by step over millions of years, it did so against immeasurable odds.
Did the precise movements of the planets, the regular seasons of the year, the reliance of all living things upon each other and the awesome detail of life, come about ‘by chance’? Or is there a more reasonable ex-planation?
Wherever we look around us in creation we see evidence of a perfect, detailed and complex design. So much we see in creation must be complete at once to work at all. This is called ‘irreducible complexity’. It cannot ‘evolve’ little by little. A thinking mind will face the question of wheth-er this is really the result of a series of unimaginable probabilities, or whether such complex design points to a wise and pow-erful Creator. The answer to that question will give us a clue to how every-thing began. Knowing how and why everything began, reveals how it will all end. Sadly, the beauty, order and variety of planet Earth are too often shattered by violence and pain, disor-der and death. At the close, we will face the question asked by theologians, scientists and philosophers for thousands of years: ‘What is the purpose of it all?’
But first, as you read this booklet, enjoy the panorama of a creation so beautifully detailed, ordered and com-plex that it would be unbelievable if it was not there in front of us.
Is It True? Evidence for Creation
Adults, Enquirer / Seeker