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Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards



Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards



The Bible is full of people, places and events that are set in real points of history. So you can check it out and discover just how reliable it is.

The Christian Bible is a thrilling account of God’s plan for the human race from the beginning of creation to the end of the world and beyond. Each book within the Bible follows a carefully ordered plan building towards the complete picture. That picture is God’s rescue plan for the human race through Jesus Christ.

Too often people dismiss the Bible as unreliable without realising that archaeologists have uncovered so many things that confirm its accuracy.

What follows in this booklet are just a few examples of the evidence demonstrating that the Bible is a book of accurate and reliable history.

This is only a ‘taster’ of the much larger and fully referenced book Evidence for the Bible. For details of this see inside the back cover.

  • Title

    Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

  • Author(s)

    Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards

  • Series

    Is It True?

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Day One

  • Topic

    Bible Reading

  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


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Brian Edwards

Brian Edwards

Brian Edwards is a Christian author, lecturer and teacher based in the United Kingdom. He has written more than twenty books include historical biographies, Christian theology and apologetics. His wider ministry includes preaching and lecturing both in the UK and abroad.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 3 reviews

Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

Some people I meet have little interest in what they consider to be “religion”, but do have a keen interest in history. This resource builds a bridge and opens up conversation. They often comment on the front cover asserting that it is either Egyptian or Babylonian, though when I explain that it is Assyrian, then there interest is quickly gained. The Bible is unique in many respects, one of which is the reliability of Scripture confirmed through biblical archaeology. Simply put, other religious texts cannot demonstrate accurate historicity for their claims through archaeology. Many people are dismissive of the Bible though have never attempted to examine its claims. This booklet helps to demonstrate that the Bible concerns real people, places and events. It ends with the crucifixion and resurrection, pointing the reader to trust in the risen Lord Jesus.

Jonathan Taylor

Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

This booklet (rooted in the authors’ much bigger hardback Evidence for the Bible) makes a tremendous little give–away to place in the hands of sceptical friends and neighbours. It is composed of 20 snippets of archaeological fact, which can be found by anyone in such places as the British Museum, showing the reliability of Scripture as it records events from Noah’s Flood through the history of Old Testament Israel right through to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is well illustrated with glossy photos of the relevant artefacts and hopefully will fascinate those who look through it into wanting find out much more. Great stuff!

John Benton

Great Stuff!

This booklet (rooted in the authors’ much bigger hardback Evidence for the Bible) makes a tremendous little give–away to place in the hands of sceptical friends and neighbours. It is composed of 20 snippets of archaeological fact, which can be found by anyone in such places as the British Museum, showing the reliability of Scripture as it records events from Noah’s Flood through the history of Old Testament Israel right through to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is well illustrated with glossy photos of the relevant artefacts and hopefully will fascinate those who look through it into wanting find out much more. Great stuff!

John Benton

Also in this series

Is It True? Evidence for Creation
Is It True? The Resurrection of Jesus
Is It True? Who Is Jesus?

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