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The Farmer in his Field: A Parable of Jesus

Colouring Book

Carine MacKenzie

The Farmer in his Field: A Parable of Jesus

Colouring Book

Carine MacKenzie


A Colouring Book. There is a farmer sowing seed in his field. Some falls on the pathway, some falls in between the stones and rocks. Other seed alls amongst thorns and weeds, but some falls on good soil.

This is a story that Jesus told. It has a hidden meaning. It tells us that we are like the soil and the seed is like God’s word. If we listen and obey we are like the good soil but if we don’t listen then our lives are like the bad soil and worthless.

Carine MacKenzie

Carine MacKenzie

Carine MacKenzie’s talent for retelling Bible stories has meant that children from all over the world have been given the opportunity to discover Jesus Christ for themselves. She has sales of several million books and lives in Inverness, Scotland.

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