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Loving Your Church by Praying, Giving, or Going

Jim Essian


Loving Your Church by Praying, Giving, or Going

Jim Essian



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What would change if you saw where you live, what you do and who you are as part of God’s great plan to build his church? 

This book will show you that wherever and whoever you are, you are sent. Discover how to play your part in God’s plan of redemption—whether by praying, giving or going. And get excited about building a kingdom that is constantly expanding, scattering and sending for the sake of the lost.

Written by Jim Essian, Lead Pastor of The Paradox Church, Texas.

There are action steps and reflection questions at the end of every chapter. Additionally, you can find discussion questions at the back, which makes this resource ideal for small groups. (A PDF version of the discussion guide is also available.)

This book is part of the Love Your Church series, a collection of thoughtful and practical books that will inspire every church member with a biblical vision of what it means to be a local community of God’s family. Church members can explore together what it means to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve and to honour one another, and to witness and send people out to spread the gospel.

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