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Caring For Widows

Brian Croft and Austin Walker



Caring For Widows

Brian Croft and Austin Walker



10+ for £5.59 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £4.79 each (saving 40%)

100+ for £4.00 each (saving 50%)

As far as God is concerned, widows are the special object of his protection and care.

Caring for widows is a key responsibility of the church, but it’s easily overlooked. This book explores the biblical exhortation to care for widows, then offers practical guidance for ensuring that widows receive the support they need. The pastoral experience of the authors shines through in every chapter, equipping pastors for this vital part of church ministry.


 'Let’s face it, widows are easy to overlook in our culture today and, unfortunately, that is increasingly true due to the decline of the nuclear family in the West. But the Bible is clear—taking care of widows is not optional, it is a biblical imperative. Croft and Walker have done a masterful job of laying the biblical foundation for caring for widows and then providing clear, specific, and practical guidelines on how to do that in your church. This is an important book for all pastors and lay leaders or any believer committed to reaching out to widows in their church and community.'

Bob Russell, Former Senior Pastor, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, Kentucky

'This book is a wonderful, in-depth guide explaining an important aspect of what Scripture calls ‘true religion,’ that is, to visit and care for widows in their distress. Both theological and practical, this is one of the best resources on the topic and is a must read for churches not only seeking to be compassionate, but to faithfully practice biblical justice.'

Nathan Ivey, Pastor of Mercy, Sojourn Community Church

'Every Sunday as I look at my congregation, I am keenly aware of the women (and men) who have lost their beloved spouses in recent years. They are lonely. They are mourning still. They may even feel awkward among God’s family. I am so thankful for this book, which reminds pastors and churches that we have a biblical mandate to love these dear ones, ministering the Word, by the Spirit, so that widows are cared for temporally in light of eternity.'

Jay S. Thomas, Lead Pastor, Chapel Hill Bible Church, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

'This is a gem of a book, full of helpful advice when it comes to pastoring, loving, and caring for widows in our congregations. I personally found it challenging, and I can see it being a helpful tool in teaching church members about their responsibilities to the widows in our midst.'

Mez McConnell, Senior Pastor, Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh, Scotland; Founder, 20schemes 

'While reading this book, I went ‘Ouch!’ more than once because it points out ways in which we have been negligent in looking after the widows in our church. This is certainly one area in which we need reformation. I trust that my ‘Ouch!’ will be turned into action so that God may smile at our church as he sees the way we will begin to look after widows in distress in our midst. All of us who are church elders and deacons need to get back to this religion that is pure and undefiled before God!'

Conrad Mbewe, Senior Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church in Zambia, Africa

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Brian Croft

Brian Croft

Brian Croft is Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, KY, and Senior Fellow of the Church Revitalization Center at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He founded Practical Shepherding and is the author of many books.

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4.0 based on 1 review

Caring for Widows

Here is a wonderful and readable little book that can help leaders, and help them to inspire and teach others, to share in this vital and ministry of great kindness – caring for widows.

It is a book that deserves to be read by all church leaders, and then shared by those who lead small group bible study or who have a ministry amongst older folk.

It will help prepare a church community of all the changes and challenges that time surely brings to those that we serve in church life.

Gareth Lewis

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