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Invest your Suffering

Unexpected intimacy with a loving God

Paul Mallard



Invest your Suffering

Unexpected intimacy with a loving God

Paul Mallard



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‘Let me be honest, during the last twenty years there have been times when my faith has seemed frail and fragile and almost ready to collapse. I have struggled with seeing my wife stripped of her dignity and reduced by her agony. I have doubted all kinds of things. I have exploded and lashed out. I do not like what is happening to my sweetheart one little bit. Chronic illness never goes away. Come on, realistically, how much more can we take?’

‘But one thing I have never doubted is that, in the darkest circumstances, we were only ever in the hands of God. That has been the ultimate source of comfort and hope.’

As Paul Mallard knows only too well, the crucible of suffering is a horrible place to be. But lessons learned there can be powerful and memorable. And it was there that Paul and Edrie experienced unexpected intimacy with a loving God who is no stranger to suffering. They feel personally challenged to use their experience and insights to help fellow sufferers too.

  • Title

    Invest your Suffering

  • Author(s)

    Paul Mallard

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  • Topic

    Suffering & Loss

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Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard is Director for the West Midlands FIEC and the chair of FIEC's Theology Team, helping churches and leaders to think through the key theological challenges facing us in 21st Century Britain.

Paul retired from full-time ministry at Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath in 2022. He speaks at numerous Christian events and has trained a generation of church workers. His wife Edrie’s story is told movingly in Invest Your Disappointments (IVP, 2013). Paul and Edrie are parents and grandparents.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Invest your Suffering

Paul Mallard uses the experience of himself and his wife Edrie to help others to use suffering to grow as Christians. The moving personal story is interspersed with Biblical reflections from Job, Psalms 19, 90, 103 & 139, and Hebrews 12. He constantly points to Jesus.

Stephen Ayre

Invest your Suffering

Theologically sound, honest and compelling book. As a new Christian who has recently been diagnosed with MS I have learnt many of the things written in this book myself through tears and prayers as the Holy Spirit has led me through the last two very dark years - it was massively encouraging to read of Paul's journey treading the same path, struggling, sad and in pain but also able to say that their journey was bringing them to a greater appreciation of their loving, great and Holy Father. If you are suffering from serious illness or care for someone who is then please read this book and be encouraged that you are not alone and that you are never foresaken because every day God is with you, drawing you closer to Himself where you will find rest and peace even as physically we are wasting away.

T Faiers

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