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John G Paton

Missionary to the New Hebrides

John G Paton

John G Paton

Missionary to the New Hebrides

John G Paton


This is the ePub eBook version of John G Paton, the ePub eBook can be downloaded onto a number of different devices including, Mac, PC, Kindle, etc. A help document can be found here explaining how to access your files. For the physical copy of John G Paton by James Paton follow the link here.

Abridged from the original autobiography by John G. Paton. The story of the Scottish missionary pioneer John Gibson Paton (1824–1907). Born in Dumfriesshire, trained at Medical school and spent 10 years as city missionary in Glasgow and had felt compelled by God to be a missionary in the South sea Islands.

This is the account of John G. Paton’s pioneering mission work among cannibals in the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu). Living among constant dangers and death threats, battling against illness and enduring great personal loss and sacrifice, John G. Paton laboured on and showed great love for the island peoples. He had the joy eventually seeing people come to Christ and living a totally transformed lifestyle.

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