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The Lamb Wins

A guided tour through the book of Revelation

Richard Bewes

The Lamb Wins

A guided tour through the book of Revelation

Richard Bewes


This is the ePub eBook version of The Lamb Wins, the ePub eBook can be downloaded onto a number of different devices including, Mac, PC, Kindle, etc. A help document can be found here explaining how to access your files. For the physical copy of The Lamb Wins by Richard Bewes follow the link here.

What is the average person to make of the book of Revelation? Richard Bewes steers his readers through the minefields of bizarre interpretations and picks out the great themes that Christ gives to every generation of believers. Whilst suitable for newcomers to the Christian faith, pastors have also used it to give them confidence to preach through Revelation.

 ”Richard Bewes has captured the central theme of John’s Revelation…Written in graceful prose, this little book will make Revelation’s central lines of thought leap to life and relevance. It deserves wide circulation.”  Don Carson 

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