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The Glory Of Christ

His Office and Grace

John Owen

The Glory Of Christ

His Office and Grace

John Owen


This is the ePub eBook version of The Glory Of Christ, the ePub eBook can be downloaded onto a number of different devices including, Mac, PC, Kindle, etc. A help document can be found here explaining how to access your files. For the physical copy of The Glory Of Christ by John Owen follow the link here.

To see the glory of Christ is one of the greatest privileges that a Christian can enjoy. Anyone who does not see his glory in this world, will not see his glory in heaven, and no one should look for anything in heaven that he has not experienced in this life. Just as looking directly into the sun darkens our vision, so Christ’s heavenly splendour is too brilliant for our mind’s eye, but in seeing it by faith, we are prepared for heaven. In his immense essence, the infinite God is invisible to our finite human eyes, and will remain so for eternity. Only “in the face of Jesus Christ” can we see God and be filled with peace and rest.

Read this book, and may God by his Word and Spirit give you such a sense of his uncreated glory, blazing forth in Christ, that you will be satisfied and filled with joy.

This is the orginal text with a new layout and is fully subtitled which makes it more accessible to a new generation of readers.

John Owen

John Owen

John Owen was an English Nonconformist church leader, theologian, and academic administrator at the University of Oxford. He was briefly a member of parliament for the University, sitting in the First Protectorate Parliament of 1654 to 1655.

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