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Taste and See

All About God's Goodness

Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun and Hannah Y Lu

Taste and See

All About God's Goodness

Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun, Hannah Y Lu, Irene Sun and Hannah Y Lu



Children love food, and this beautiful book will help them see God’s goodness and love in the food he provides for his children all through the Bible.

From fruit trees in the garden, manna in the wilderness, and bread and fish by the sea of Galilee, to the final, wonderful banquet spread in heaven, children and parents will learn to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” Parents are equipped by the resource page at the end to go deeper into these truths and will learn biblical theology along the way.

Irene Sun and illustrator Hannah Y. Lu provide a bird’s eye view of the Bible, using the idea of hunger and feasting to tell the story of redemption in a fresh and memorable way for children and their parents. Children ages 4-7 will learn that everything their hearts hunger for can be found in Jesus—the one whose broken body and shed blood is pictured in the bread and wine we eat together to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. Each meal we share until Jesus comes is a time to remember God’s goodness and care for all his children. Families will learn how the whole Bible celebrates God’s love for his hungry people.

Irene Sun

Irene Sun

Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture book God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and the Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They serve and belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church.

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Irene Sun

Irene Sun

Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture book God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and the Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They serve and belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church.

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Irene Sun

Irene Sun

Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture book God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and the Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They serve and belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church.

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Irene Sun

Irene Sun

Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture book God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and the Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They serve and belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church.

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