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Gender Ideology

What Do Christians Need To Know?

Sharon James



Gender Ideology

What Do Christians Need To Know?

Sharon James



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The world has embraced the idea that gender is something that can be decided by individuals. As Christians encounter colleagues, friends and family members who identify as a gender other than the one they were born, we need to be informed and equipped with knowledge about what the issues are, what different terms mean and what the Bible has to say about these things. While we walk the line between loving our neighbour and not buying into the world’s lies, Sharon James helps us in this informative and practical guide.

This book:

  • Equips Christians to deal with transgenderism
  • Defines and explains the subject
  • Rebuts issues with the Christian worldview

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Sharon James

Sharon James

Sharon James is an author and conference speaker, who has spoken to many different audiences on biblical womanhood, both in the UK and abroad. She has degrees in history (Cambridge University) and theology (M.Div., Toronto Baptist Seminary), and a doctorate from the University of Wales. She has taught History in the UK and Malawi. Sharon now works for the Christian Institute.

Her books include Ann Judson: A Missionary Life for Burma, God’s Design for Women, In Trouble and in Joy, Elizabeth Prentiss: ‘More Love to Thee’ (published by the Trust), and Gentle Rain on Tender Grass: Daily Readings from the Pentateuch. Sharon is married to Bill, who is pastor of Emmanuel Church, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, where they have been since 1991. Bill and Sharon have two grown up children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Finally, a book that accepts not all females are XX

Thank you so much for publishing a Christian book about gender with a correct scientific understanding of sex chromosome differences. So many books I've seen claim that only those with XX chromosomes are female, completely disregarding those with Turners Syndrome (X) or Triple X Syndrome (XXX). Some books even imply that these individuals are intersex, which is completely false! A Biblical and scientific understanding of sex is vital, and it is such a shame that so many Christian books make incorrect statements which discredit their authority on the subject

Gender Ideology

A powerful, eye–opening, gracious, and ultimately alarming book that will quickly give readers a deeper understanding of the deceptiveness of the modern “gender identity” movement that is rapidly capturing our media, our laws, our schools, and our children –– and even our very freedom to speak the foundational truth that God created the human race with two “very good” genders, male and female, and they cannot be changed.

Professor Wayne Grudem

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