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How Do I Give Back?

Mez McConnell


How Do I Give Back?

Mez McConnell



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For those who trust Jesus and want to live for him, it doesn’t take long to run into the idea that we have been blessed by God so that we will be a blessing to others. The nitty gritty of that service, though, isn’t easy. It can be tedious, and it’s often downright annoying, frustrating and discouraging. When we try to serve others, we face our own sin and theirs. We face the lies which tell us we can’t do it – we’re not worth anything – we’ve got nothing to offer. But the truth of the gospel changes all that. Now our hope is not in what WE can do, but in the work of Christ in us. Now that we trust Jesus, now that he’s our King – how to do we get on and follow him day by day.

Mez McConnell

Mez McConnell

Mez McConnell is one of the pastors of Niddrie Community Church, Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the founder of 20schemes and has been involved in full-time pastoral ministry, both church planting and revitalisation since 1999. He has worked in inner city areas in England, Scotland and Brazil and has a passion for training men and women for ministry in this context. He has written 2 books: Preparing for Baptism: A Personal Diary (Grace Publications Trust), and Is There Anybody Out There? (Christian Focus). Mez studied Missiology at Moorland Bible College, England and Pastoral Theology at Bryntirion Bible College, Wales. He has been married to Miriam for 15 years and has two lovely daughters, Keziah & Lydia.

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