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10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

Rebecca McLaughlin



10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

Rebecca McLaughlin



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Equip your children to understand---and verbalize---what they believe! Questions often feel like roadblocks to young people---whether they are Christians, might consider faith, or think of Jesus as a fairy tale character. Using kid-friendly illustrations and biblical truth, McLaughlin invites readers to dig deep into 10 common queries about scriptural reliability, sexuality, diversity, and other topics.


  • How Can I Live My Best Life Now?
  • Mental and Physical Health Benefits of the Christian Life
  • Isn’t Christianity against Diversity?
  • Racism / Slavery / Christianity as the Most Diverse Movement in History
  • Can Jesus Be True for You but Not for Me?Universal Truth / Relativism / Evangelism
  • Can’t We Just Be Good without God?
  • God as the Basis for Morality / 9/11 / Hitler / Stalin / Human Identity / Abortion
  • How Can You Believe the Bible Is True?Evidence for the Gospels / Evidence for the Resurrection / True versus Literal
  • Hasn’t Science Disproved Christianity?Origins of Science / Science and Faith Controversies / Christian Scientists Today
  • Why Can’t We Just Agree That Love Is Love?
  • Marriage / Sex / Singleness / Friendship / Same-Sex Attraction / Pornography / Abuse
  • Who Cares If You’re a Boy or a Girl?
  • Gender / Feminism / Transgender and Non-Binary Identities
  • Does God Care When We Hurt?
  • God’s Sovereignty in Suffering / God’s Care for Us / Prayer / Purpose
  • How Can You Believe in Heaven and Hell?Meaning of Heaven and Hell / Sin and Judgment / Salvation / Invitation
  • Title

    10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

  • Author(s)

    Rebecca McLaughlin

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Age Range

    12-14s, 15-18s

  • Topic

    Sex & Relationships, Answering Questions

  • Audience


  • Published


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Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

A great conversation starter for the deep questions in life

Rebecca McLaughlin does it again. She is becoming one of my new favorite authors. She writes in a way that is easy to digest. This piece of literature is a must for anyone that has a teenager in their life. In all honesty, everyone asks these questions regardless of age. 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity is a great conversation starter for the deep questions in life. It isn't exhaustive. The chapters are really easy to read and come with summaries at the end. Will definitely be using this resource soon! Get it and read it!

Chris Joines

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

This new version of her first book is a welcome addition to my bookshelf! Some of these questions have been asked by young people for years, and others are ones that are only starting to be really culturally relevant. The author’s style is easy to read for teens and it delicately deals with a number of big issues, without skirting around what the Bible has to say. I particularly like the first chapter which is written to parents/grandparents (etc.) who have bought the book for a teenager so that you know what to expect and how to support your teen as they read it. Would really recommend this book for those who are wrestling with some of the big questions, and for those who are only just beginning their journey of faith and who want to see what God has to say to some of the biggest issues in the world today.

Ben Horrex

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