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7 Myths about Singleness

Sam Allberry



7 Myths about Singleness

Sam Allberry


While singleness is often widely misunderstood by many in the church today and often viewed in negative terms, the Bible speaks about it very differently. This book sets forth a positive vision of singleness by responding to 7 common misconceptions, such as the notion that singleness is too hard, requires a special spiritual gift, is a hindrance to ministry, or is a waste of sexuality. Addressed to the church as a whole and written by a single pastor, 7 Myths about Singleness will help readers better understand, support, and empower the singles around them to contribute to the flourishing of the church as a whole.

Table of Contents:


1. Singleness Is Too Hard

2. Singleness Requires a Special Calling

3. Singleness Means No Intimacy

4. Singleness Means No Family

5. Singleness Wastes Your Sexuality

6. Singleness Is a Hindrance to Ministry

7. Singleness Is Easy


Appendix: Four Ways to Avoid Sexual Sin

  • Title

    7 Myths about Singleness

  • Author(s)

    Sam Allberry

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Marriage & Relationships

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


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Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry is a pastor, apologist, author and speaker. He studied theology at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford and served on staff at St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford. He is now an honorary minister at St Mary’s, Maidenhead. He is the author of a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay?; What God Has to Say About Our Bodies; Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?; and 7 Myths about Singleness.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

7 Myths about Singleness

Perhaps in response to this culture’s diluting and distorting of marriage, the church has started to idealise marriage within the church. And although marriage is a beautiful gift from God, this can lead to singleness being looked down on as something that is sad – a struggle to find peace with for those who are unfortunate enough to be single, instead of a positive choice. But Sam Allberry brings singleness into a new, honest, and refreshingly Biblical light, looking at all the wonderful aspects of singleness that we can enjoy, showing it as an equally beautiful relationship status to marriage. Please read this if you’re single. But also, please read this is you’re in a relationship or married – you have the biggest role in shaping church culture for the single people in the congregation.

Nadia Ford

7 Myths about Singleness

A book about singleness, but relevant for everyone. Married people may be single again one day, and know single people. Allberry explodes the idea of the gift of singleness being the ability to endure it, rather whatever state we are currently in is a gift from God. He makes a plea for the recovery of the idea of of friendship, sadly eroticised in the world, and challenges us to give a house key to a trusted single friend in your church. Singleness is an honourable estate.

Stephen Ayre

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