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New Bible Commentary

21st Century Edition

R T France, Alec Motyer and Gordon J Wenham



New Bible Commentary

21st Century Edition

R T France, Alec Motyer and Gordon J Wenham




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10+ for £37.99 each (saving 24%)

For fifty years the New Bible Commentary has served Bible readers worldwide. This 21st Century Edition builds on the strengths of the previous three:

– a one–volume commentary on the whole Bible by an international team of contributors

– general articles on what the Bible is and how to read it

– an introduction to each Bible book

– commentaries dividing each book into sections for ease of reference

Designed to meet the needs of today, the New Bible Commentary makes use of recent international scholarship: 80% of the articles are entirely new and the rest have been rewritten. New maps, diagrams, charts and tables illuminate the text, and further reading lists are included with each article.

Alec Motyer

Alec Motyer

Alec Motyer was a British biblical scholar. He was Vice-Principal of Clifton Theological College and vicar of St. Luke's, Hampstead, before becoming Principal of Trinity College, Bristol.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

New Bible Commentary

Aside from the notes in my study bible the other tool I regularly turn to is this Bible commentary from IVP. If you’re looking for a single volume commentary, then you won’t find many which give a better balance between detail and cost than this one.

Martyn Blackman

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