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An Introduction to the Old Testament

Tremper Longman III and Raymond B Dillard

An Introduction to the Old Testament

Tremper Longman III and Raymond B Dillard




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An upper-level introduction to the Old Testament that offers students a thorough understanding of three key issues: historical background, literary analysis, and theological message.

This second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament integrates recent developments in Old Testament scholarship. It has many distinctive features that set it apart from other introductions to the Old Testament:

  • It's committed to a theologically evangelical perspective.
  • Emphasizes "special introduction"-the study of individual books.
  • Interacts in an irenic spirit with the historical-critical method.
  • Features points of research history and representative scholars rather than an exhaustive treatment of past scholarship.
  • Deals with the meaning of each book, not in isolation but in a canonical context.
  • Probes the meaning of each book in the setting of its culture.

Including callouts, charts, and graphs, An Introduction to the Old Testament is written with an eye to understanding the nature of Old Testament historiography.

Perfect for seminary students, professors, and Bible teachers and ministry leaders, as well as anyone looking for an in-depth and balanced approach to Old Testament study.

Tremper Longman III

Tremper Longman III

Tremper Longman III (PhD, Yale University) is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies and the chair of the Religious Studies department at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, where he lives with his wife, Alice. He is the Old Testament editor for the revised Expositor's Bible Commentary and has authored many articles and books on the Psalms and other Old Testament books.

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