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How to Pick a Full Text Children's Bible

At 10ofThose the Bible is the best book we sell.

We love to see individuals and families prioritise time in the scriptures, and we are often asked the question by parents of how best to transition from a storybook Bible to a full Bible translation.

What’s the difference you may ask? Well a storybook Bible is a selection of Bible stories, often abridged or simplified, that give the overarching story of Scripture.

A full translation is, as it suggests, every book of the Bible, and every verse without any abridging.

We thought it was worth highlighting some of our bestselling children’s full text Bibles, and let you see some of their key features, and seeing inside helps give a flavour of what children will see and interact with.

NIV Bible for Children

Translation - NIV (New International Version)

Font size - 9pt

Images - 50 colour images alongside simplified stories

Suggested age - 3-7 years

Price - £

Pros - This is a great first bible or gift for a younger child. It contains 50 simplified Bible stories with cute images from the Big Bible Storybook series alongside the full Bible text. This would be a lovely christening or thanksgiving gift.

Cons - The very childlike images may mean that older children may outgrow it quickly.

ESV Seek and Find Bible

Translation - ESV (English Standard Version)

Font size - 9pt

Images - 130 colour images plus maps

Suggested age - 5-9 years

Price - ££

Pros - The 130 highlighted bible stories are clearly summarised for young readers, and then point to the story in the Bible text, and also include a key verse to memorise. You will also find related Bible readings for discovering more of the story throughout the Bible, and simple questions for families to help children begin to understand and apply God’s Word. The illustrations are classic and timeless.

Cons - Text contains American spellings.

NIV Adventure Bible

Translation - NIV (New International Version)

Font size - 10pt

Images - 20 full colour activity pages, plus colour maps

Suggested age - 6-11 years

Price - £££

Pros - This is a really exciting looking Bible which, alongside a dictionary and concordance, it also has pop out sections parallel to the main Bible text to share fun facts, key information or precious Bible verses to learn. It also has an introductory page for each book of the Bible.

Cons - The adventure/pirate theme may not appeal to everyone.

NLT Hands on Bible

Translation - NLT (New Living Translation)

Font size - 9pt

Images - Full colour pages and maps

Suggested age - 6-11 years

Price - ££

Pros - Recently given a refresh to th cover, the Hand’s on Bible is just that...hands on! Faith is encouraged to be active, and through 102 Hands-On Bible Experiences, 52 Key Verse Activities and 16 Bible Bonanza Experiences children are encouraged to make their faith living and active. It also contains 31 Bible Hero Biographies, 82 Jesus Connections, 66 Bible Book Intros, 69 Fun Facts, a Where to Turn When I’m . . . index, kid-friendly Q & A, and charts and maps.

Cons - The children's photo images included may feel a little young to the top end of this age group.

Good News Bible Children’s Rainbow Edition

Translation - Good News Translation

Font size - 9pt

Images - 16 full cover page illustrations and maps

Suggested age - 6-11 years

Price - ££

Pros - The styling of the additional content is modern, and not too childish. There is a great mix of information included, from keyword lists, a reading trail to takes the reader through the overarching story of the Bible, full-page introductions to each book of the Bible and even a list of ‘Emotions in the Bible’.

Cons - The only con with this is the fact it’s called a Children’s bible on the front, which for those at the top of the suggested age range may make it less attractive.

NCV International Children’s Bible

Translation - NCV (New Century Version)

Font size - 9pt

Images - 32 full cover page illustrations plus colour maps

Suggested age - 6-11 years

Price - £

Pros - The language of the NCV in this Bible is written to contain words and phrases that children use and understand, and at a reading level suitable for 6-11 year olds, meaning it’s our go to recommendation for a kids Bible. It also has a Bible dictionary, and basic footnotes throughout.

Hopefully we've given you some ideas, but there are many more children's Bible's available, so why not check them out here.

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