This pack contains;
- 1 Chronicles: A Family Tree
- 2 Chronicles: A House of Prayer
- 1 Kings: From Glory To Ruin
- 2 Kings: Apostasy Destruction & Hope
- 1 Samuel: Dawn Of The Kingdom
- 2 Samuel: The Triumph of the King
- Amos: The Lord Is His Name
- Daniel: Dare to Stand Alone
- Deuteronomy: God's Treasured Possession
- Ecclesiastes: A Quest for Meaning
- Esther: Unspoken Lessons About the Unseen God
- Exodus: Travelling Homeward
- Ezekiel: God Strengthens
- Ezra & Nehemiah: Doing A Great Work
- Genesis: The Book of Origins
- Habakkuk: The Expectant Prophet
- Haggai & Zechariah: Building for God's Glory
- Hosea & Obadiah: Turning Back to God
- Isaiah: God Delivers
- Job: The Storm Breaks
- Joel: Prophet of the Coming Day
- Jonah: Preacher on the Run
- Joshua: Strong and Courageous
- Judges & Ruth: Even in Darkness
- Lamentations: Great is Your Faithfulness
- Leviticus: The Beauty of Holiness
- Malachi: Losing Touch with the Living God
- Micah & Nahum: Balancing The Books
- Numbers: According To Promise
- Proverbs: Heavenly Wisdom
- Psalms (Vol 1): From Suffering to Glory
- Psalms (Vol 2): From Suffering to Glory
- Ruth: From Bitter to Sweet
- Song of Solomon: Heavenly Love
- Song of Songs: Under His Banner of Love
- Zephaniah: Coming of the Warrior King
- Jeremiah: Whose Word will Stand?
Welwyn Commentary Series Old Testament Pack
Evangelical Press
Church Leaders