This pack contains:
It was the disciples who asked Jesus to teach them to pray — presumably because they knew that they had to learn to pray. We're no different 2000 years later. The fact is that wonderful, deep and rich habits of prayer don't normally just appear in our lives. Rather, over time, we have to learn good habits and attitudes as the Holy Spirit works in us.
This devotional book is an attempt to help us grow in prayer. It offers practical encouragement to help us get going with prayer. It will boost dry souls and give a spiritual shove for those who've stalled. Each day has a Bible verse, an explanation and some questions.
Praying for the World: Understanding God's Heart for the Nations
Sometimes we can struggle to remember God’s instruction for us to be involved in his mission to the world through prayer. Maybe our prayers for missionary friends have become stale or maybe we’ve simply forgotten that praying for the world should be our priority. However we feel we’re doing with praying for the world this devotional booklet will warm our hearts and inspire our prayers with great truths from God’s Word.
These 30 devotions are authored by experienced Bible teachers and mission workers J. Oswald Sanders, James O. Fraser, and Will Bruce and daily reflections are written by J. Hudson Taylor. Their first-hand experience of missionary work helps them to write with infectious passion and energy. Why not keep this booklet with your Bible for when you need encouragement and motivation to help you to pray for God’s kingdom to come across the globe.
Prayer - Undated Devotionals 2 Pack