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Will You Be My Facebook Friend (Spanish)

Spanish Edition

Tim Chester

Will You Be My Facebook Friend (Spanish)

Spanish Edition

Tim Chester


En tan solo unos años, Facebook ha pasado de ser algo pequeño a ser un rasgo característico de la vida moderna. Tiene más de 1230 millones de usuarios, y la mitad lo usan todos los días del año.

Tiene muchas cosas buenas. Las redes sociales ofrecen muchos beneficios. Pero… ¿qué pasa con los peligros? Imagen, identidad, idolatría y autopromoción. ¿Cómo ve Dios todo esto? Tim Chester nos lanza preguntas muy acertadas y nos ayuda a reflexionar sobre los retos que nos plantean las redes sociales.


In just a few years, Facebook has gone from being a small thing to being a characteristic feature of modern life. It has more than 1.23 billion users, and half use it every day of the year.

It has many good things. Social networks offer many benefits. But… what about the dangers? Image, identity, idolatry and self-promotion. How does God see all this? Tim Chester asks us very good questions and helps us reflect on the challenges that social networks pose to us.

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    Will You Be My Facebook Friend (Spanish)

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    Tim Chester

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Tim Chester

Tim Chester

Tim Chester is a pastor at Grace Church, Boroughbridge, UK, a tutor with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy, and is the author of over 30 books. He has a PhD in theology and was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund UK. He has been an adjunct lecturer in missiology and reformed spirituality. Tim is married to Helen and has two daughters.

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