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Mama, du schaffst das! (Survival Tips for Mums - German)

Praktische Tipps für die ersten Jahre als Mutter

Elizabeth El Mostain

Mama, du schaffst das! (Survival Tips for Mums - German)

Praktische Tipps für die ersten Jahre als Mutter

Elizabeth El Mostain



Mutter werden ist eines der größten Abenteuer des Lebens. Von der Schwangerschaft über die Geburt bis zur Erziehung ist dabei jeder Schritt mit großem Glück verbunden, aber auch mit vielen Sorgen und Fragen. Körperliche Strapazen, Kinderkrankheiten, Entwicklungssprünge der Kinder und das ganz normale Alltagschaos: Elizabeth El Mostain will Müttern helfen, diese und andere Herausforderungen zu meistern. Sie schöpft aus einem reichen Erfahrungsschatz und gibt eine Fülle von Ratschlägen, wie Mütter sowohl für sich selbst als auch für Kinder und Haushalt sorgen können. Praktischer geht es nicht. Dabei richtet sie den Blick der Mütter immer wieder auf Gott und das Evangelium, sodass sie aus Christi Vergebung und nach seinem Willen leben können.

Elizabeth El Mostain wuchs in London auf und hat Kunst und Französisch studiert. Zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann dient sie mit United For Mission (UFM) in Frankreich. Ihr Ehemann ist dort Pastor einer Baptistengemeinde. Zusammen haben sie sechs Kinder.

"Akzeptiere die Einschränkungen, die Wickeltaschen, das Durcheinander und danke Gott für das, was er dir heute gegeben hat. Lerne, dich auch in den verrücktesten Momenten auf deinen himmlischen Vater zu verlassen und deine Arbeit für Jesus zu tun."


With the subtitle "Practical ideas for thriving in the early years of motherhood", it’s obvious who this book is for, but you need to know what it is like.

What others are saying about Survival Tips for Mums:

"I wish someone had given me this book when I was just embarking on the adventure of motherhood. It manages to be positive without being dewy-eyed. It is funny, warm, honest and Christ-centred and in addition is superbly practical about everything from the indignities of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding to the annoyances of nits and everlasting laundry. And yet it is neither prescriptive nor preachy, just very readable and helpful."

— Ann Benton, author of The Fruitful Home and Parenting Against the Tide

"Reading Survival Tips for Mums is like having a friend who’s parenting alongside you, who can encourage you when you need a nudge in the right direction, help you through the challenges and remind you of the positives, particularly of the many blessings there are—even if sometimes they feel buried under the responsibilities of parenthood, nappies, the ironing pile … Learn from an ordinary mum who’s been there and learnt many helpful lessons along the way. Learn how to do family life well, by doing it as simply as possible. You will see that motherhood is a high calling—even if it’s often lacking in glamour—or a wage. It’s about learning to be a mum by grace, rather than by ‘mumsnet’. These ‘tips’ are soaked in wisdom from God’s word, and show that even for busy mums, it’s not just possible, but vital to keep in touch with God, and to live with His perspective—the wisest tip of all."

— Julia Jones, Director of Women's Courses at London Seminary

"How does a mum of five children, pregnant with her sixth, find time to write a book? The answer is because she has lived what she writes and shares her fresh experience. Reading the book is like listening to Elizabeth chat about her reflections on being a busy mum over a cup of coffee. You will nod your head in agreement, smile as you picture her interacting with the children and grab a pencil to note down her wise advice ... She writes with realism, honesty and frankness. You won’t feel judged but rather inspired to persevere when you feel discouraged ... This book will give you fresh perspective and you will not only survive but thrive in the privileged role God has given you of being a Mum. I can already think of many mothers to whom I would like to give this book."

— Elinor Magowan, Pastor's wife, Women's Ministry Coordinator for FIEC, formerly UFM Women's Pastoral Worker

"This book takes us beyond surviving to thriving: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. It doesn’t send us on a parenting guilt trip but helps us in the wonderful privilege of introducing our little ones to the God who forgives, cleanses and restores us into a loving relationship with him. ‘He remembers that we are dust’, but sometimes we forget it, and comparing our perfect ideas of what we expected ‘mummyhood’ to be like, with the daily reality of what we are experiencing, destroys our confidence and our joy. This lovely book helps us to avoid that temptation and keep our sanity and enjoyment in raising the children God has blessed us with."

— Colette Harding, Pastor's wife, mother and grandmother

"Like the title suggests it is very practical, full of helpful tips and advice—from keeping spiritually healthy to what high chair is best to buy! ... I found it very reassuring and honest! I wish it had existed when I first started parenting but I have three small boys at home and am thankful for the advice I can use now and some of the tips for situations I haven’t experienced yet. I can imagine pulling this book back out when I face those challenges, like the children getting chicken pox! With so much choice and so many voices in the world telling Christian mums what is best, it is helpful to have an experienced and godly mum share what she has found work and encourage mums to keep on keeping on in Jesus."

— Sibyl Brady, Pastor's wife and mother of three small boys

  • Title

    Mama, du schaffst das! (Survival Tips for Mums - German)

  • Author(s)

    Elizabeth El Mostain

  • ISBN


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  • Audience

    Female, Parents

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Elizabeth El Mostain

Elizabeth El Mostain

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