No fads. Just the fullness of Christ.
No silver bullets. Just the sufficiency of Jesus.
No clever philosophies. Just clear proclamation of the one in whom “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are found.
Join pastor and preacher Richard Chin as he seeks to present you mature in Christ by delivering a clear, compelling picture of Jesus from the pages of Colossians.
"Richard Chin has written a guide to the Christian life as presented in Colossians that is - like Paul's letter - clear and simple, pithy and punchy. The book is compact but powerful. Theology and practical matters are both presented accurately from the text, and steeped in Richard's own experience of following Christ for years and helping others to do the same. This book is a model for people in their own Bible reading, for small group leaders, and even for preachers as they prepare messages from Colossians. I highly commend it." ~ Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington DC, President,
"I met Richard several years ago at a student ministry conference. I was immediately impressed by his clear, careful and winsome exposition of Scripture. Those same qualities are on display in this excellent treatment of Colossians. Richard offers us personal stories, lessons from history, present-day application, and (most importantly) faithful teaching rooted in words of the Bible. This book is a terrific resource for seekers, new believers and long-time Christians alike." ~ Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
"This is a delightful book—read it and savour it! Not only has Richard Chin gained a profound grasp on the rich letter to the Colossians, he has clearly lived it. This is clear, warm-hearted, searingly applied teaching which will both lift us up and bring us down to size, as it presents Christ to us on every page, in order to present us mature in Christ. I cannot recommend Captivated by Christ highly enough." ~ Gary Millar, Principal, Queensland Theological College, Co-author, "Saving Eutychus".
"Richard Chin's excellent guide to Colossians is written with characteristic pithiness and clarity. He explains the text of Colossians in a way that is understandable and readable. His careful illustration and acute observation enable the reader to see just how and where the teaching of Colossians applies today. Above all else, this book directs the reader to the Lord Jesus Christ in all his fullness. This is what makes the book so valuable. It did me good, and reading it refreshed me in my love for Jesus and appreciation of who he is, and all that he has done." ~ William Taylor, Rector, St Helen's Bishopsgate, London, UK
"Richard Chin has given us an engagingly written book, both respectful of God's word and also continuously applied in a deeply personal way. It helps us all to learn from Colossians." ~ Peter Jensen, Former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Former General Secretary, GAFCON
"This book has helped me to see Jesus Christ more clearly from the Bible. Whenever that happens, as Christians all over the world discover, God speaks straight into your sinful heart, then comforts you with his forgiveness, helps you by his Spirit to grow in mature Christlikeness, and prepares you for the hard road ahead as we follow our crucified Lord to glory. Richard has turned his series of talks on Colossians into a book that is so readable, you can almost hear him delivering each chapter. Your time in this book is worth it to be captivated by Christ!" ~ Bronwyn Windsor, Lay ministry leader, Sydney
"A clear, fresh, sparkling commentary, filled with helpful practical application, which gets to the heart of the apostle Paul's letter - highlighting Jesus Christ's majestic uniqueness and calling all his followers to flesh out his lordship in every sphere of life." ~ Lindsay Brown, Director, FEUER (Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe), Former General Secretary, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
"I was immediately drawn to 'Captivated by Christ' by Richard's warm and winsome writing style. His engaging illustrations give a velvety softness to the hammer that pounds the rich and deep truths of Colossians into our soul. This is a treasure of a book, with helpful sidebars and penetrating questions for small group study. It's a joy to recommend." ~ J. Mack Stiles, Pastor, Erbil International Baptist Church, Iraq, Author, "Marks of the Messenger"
Captivated by Christ
Bible Reading
Bible Book
Adults, Church Leaders