What sort of contraception, if any, should I use? When does human life begin—at fertilisation or at some point after that? What are the arguments for and against abortion? Is it OK to use genetic screening and other pre–natal tests to check for abnormalities in my unborn baby? Should Christians use IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies? What is the current state of embryonic stem cell research? These are just some of the many complex and emotion–laden questions we face in the rapidly changing field of reproductive medicine, and most Christians do so with two very significant handicaps:• We don’t have accurate up–to–date information about the medical and technological issues involved• We have not thought through a sound, biblical framework for making ethical decisions in this areaDr Megan Best provides what is lacking in both of these vital areas. Built on extensive historical, biblical and medical research, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is the comprehensive, accurate, biblically–based ethical handbook that Christians have been waiting for.
‘At last—a single volume examining beginning–of–life issues that is equally competent in biology, theology, philosophy and pastoral care. Scarcely less important, Dr Best’s book is admirably clear, simple without being simplistic, comprehensive without being overly complicated. This is now the ‘must read’ book in the field, a necessary resource not only for pastors, ethicists, and laypersons who share her Christian convictions, but alsofor anyone who wants to participate knowledgeably in current bioethical debates.’
– D A Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago.
‘This is an outstanding resource for concerned Christian laypeople, health professionals, church leaders and students. It is authoritative, up to date, meticulously researched and pastorally sensitive. I strongly recommendthis remarkable book. Megan writes honestly and compassionately from her personal experience as an ethicist, palliative care doctor, Christian speaker and parent.’
– John Wyatt, Emeritus Professor of Ethics and Perinatology, University College London
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Parenting, Life's Challenges