Would you like to be able to present a clear and memorable overview of the Bible to others? Would you like to be able to demonstrate that the Bible isn’t just a collection of random documents, but the unfolding story of God’s relationship with the world? Are you looking for an evangelistic resource that can be used in a variety of situations, and introduces people of all ages to the Bible? Do you run a youth group or Sunday school class, and want to be able to introduce young people to the flow of the whole Bible? Would you like to make use of a memorable framework of the Bible, which can be briefly used to introduce the context of sermons or Bible studies? Are you involved with primary or high school education and would like to equip students with the skills to examine Bible passages in context?
The Bible Overview is designed to meet all of these uses and more. The Bible is God’s word. If people are to know God truly, and understand their world and themselves, they must have an understanding of the message of the Bible. The Bible Overview was created because of a perception that many people, Christian and non-Christian, find the Bible daunting and hard to understand.
The aim of The Bible Overview is to equip each other to better read, understand, and apply the Bible. In three short presentations, it conveys a biblically accurate, easy to follow outline of the whole Bible. On this DVD–ROM you will find:
- A Leader’s Manual (in Adobe PDF format) which provides a complete outline of the course, Bible references and explanatory notes.
- Two different ways to present the material: i) files for use with presentation software (Powerpoint, Keynote, PDF and Quicktime format); ii) picture and text cards (in Adobe PDF format) which you can print and use to progressively build the presentation on a wall or display board.
Each course participant will need their own copy of The Bible Overview workbook. These booklets provide an attractive and clear summary of the course for participants to follow during the course and to keep for future reference as a helpful reminder of what they have learnt.
The Bible Overview (Leader’s Resource DVD–ROM)
Age Range
Adults, Small Group
Bible Reading