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Gospel-Shaped Womanhood

How losing yourself & finding your identity in Christ changes everything

Sarah Rice


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Gospel-Shaped Womanhood

How losing yourself & finding your identity in Christ changes everything

Sarah Rice



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BOOK CLUB BUNDLE: Discounted copies, discussion questions, bookmarks, postcards and tea!

A refreshing & practical reminder for women to root their identity in Christ

We all desperately want answers to the same questions: Am I valuable? What is my purpose? Do I belong? But the identity we’re searching for always seems just out of reach.

Contrary to what the world tells us, we don’t need to find ourselves. Instead, we need to be found in Christ.

More than just a sound-bite, Gospel-shaped Womanhood delves into what having a Jesus-centred identity really means and how it shapes our relationships, our service, our work, and our self-image.

Deep, practical, and honest, this book will help build a lasting transformation in the way we see ourselves and all of life.

Selected Commendations:

"So many voices out there are telling women to look inside themselves to find their purpose and destiny. But not Sarah Rice. I love that about her and this book. She takes women to the only reliable source for identity, purpose, and meaning—the scriptures. With insight and wisdom drawn from the book of Ephesians, Sarah speaks to matters every woman has to work through and make sense of—empowerment, belonging, purpose, identity and conflict."

Nancy Guthrie, author and Bible teacher

“Sarah traces a beautiful theology of womanhood, one rightly anchored in union with Christ. Sarah is no rookie to the lies of this world, but she is a robust theologian who dissolves these lies powerfully with Christ and his gospel light.”

Natalie Brand, Bible teacher and author of Priscilla, Where Are You?

“If my mom, wife, daughters or friends are going to read a book on gospel identity, I want it to be by someone who has been gripped by the gospel herself... Sarah Rice is that someone."

John Sloan, Senior Pastor, Capshaw Baptist Church, Alabama

"With clarity and winsomeness, Sarah Rice offers her readers a rich, Biblical foundation for understanding what it means to be a woman who is formed by the Gospel. This is a wonderful resource for the church!"

Ann Swindell, Author of The Path to Peace and owner of Writing with Grace

A great read for:

  • Those who struggle living out their true identity
  • Book groups or one-to-one discipleship
  • Women's church workers

Key features:

  • Drawn from Ephesians
  • Practical application rooted in theology
  • Questions to aid discussion

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    Gospel-Shaped Womanhood

  • Author(s)

    Sarah Rice

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Sarah Rice

Sarah Rice

Sarah Rice is a pastor’s wife and mother of four living in North Alabama. She holds a Masters of Arts in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and writes regularly at She counsels, teaches, and disciples women.

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 3 reviews

A must read for Christian Women!

“In a world incessantly pushing us to build our identity on all the wrong things, I wrote Gospel-Shaped Womanhood to help women see that identity in Christ is the only stable and lasting foundation upon which to build a life.”

📚About the book…
In this much-needed book, Sarah answers important questions biblically for the modern Christian woman around identity, self-discovery, value, worth, and freedom.

“Is identity really ours to create? Do self-discovery and self-definition actually bring true freedom and peace? We all desperately want answers to the same questions: Am I valuable? Wanted? Secure? Truly loved? Does my life have purpose? Do I belong? The world says we will discover the answers to these questions within as we learn to love ourselves while rehearsing the mantra ‘I am enough.’ Yet, the world also bombards us with endless advice on how to be better... Could what the world markets as freedom really just enslave us?”

📖Comfort and Hope…
Sarah reminds her readers that identity is not ours to create because we didn’t self-originate, and so we don’t actually belong to ourselves. Confidently knowing this grants us permanent rest from striving, and enables us to face our brokenness with the sure hope of healing and wholeness.

☕️This Book is for you if…
•You’re interested in reading about Identity and Biblical Womanhood
•You enjoyed ‘You’re not enough’ by @alliebstuckey or ‘She believed He Could’ by @becky.beresford

📖 Book Club Read?
Yes! There are great discussion questions at the end of each chapter that could be used in a group setting

✍️ Great Quotes…
“Gospel-shaped women learn to rest and work by the power of grace as we believe this truth: Only the love of God in Christ tells us who we really are and transforms us into who we were made to be.”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - a must read for Christian women 🙌🏻

Renee @blossomingthroughbooks

Review taken from

"This is a resource I’ll use for discipling women, especially new believers, on the nature of the gospel and how that affects every part of life, not just eternal salvation. And as Gen Z’s view of identity transitions away from the outer self to the inner, this book can help equip these young women to love the Lord their God with all their heart and mind."

CLICK HERE to read more

Erin Shaw (EdD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)


Absolutely loved this book, it felt refreshing to read a book on Woman thats focus wasn't on Motherhood or Marriage and instead about our identity in Christ. It's relevant to woman at any stage of life. The questions at the end of each chapter are very thorough and would be perfect for a Bible study.

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