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I See Jesus

Nancy Guthrie and Jenny Brake



I See Jesus

Nancy Guthrie and Jenny Brake



The Old Testament is full of shadows... And when we look at these shadows, we can see something that looks a lot like Jesus. 

This beautifully illustrated book will help children to spot the shadows of Jesus on every page of the Bible. Through Bible stories familiar and unfamiliar, children will discover Jesus as God’s Lamb, the Lion of Judah, Saviour of the World and so much more…

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Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie teaches the Bible at her home church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, as well as at conferences around the country and internationally, including her Biblical Theology Workshop for Women. She is the author of numerous books and the host of the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast with the Gospel Coalition. She and her husband founded Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child and are cohosts of the GriefShare video series.

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Jenny Brake

Jenny Brake

Jenny Brake is a skilled illustrator who lives in Lancashire with her husband Nick and their three children. She has also illustrated the 'A Child Should Know' series and several other books for kids.

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Overall rating

4.5 based on 2 reviews

I See Jesus

As soon as I read it, I knew it was the perfect picture book for Lent or Advent. The premise is that within the Old Testament stories are glimpses of the Messiah. The illustrations furthers that message by portraying certain objects’ or people’s shadows in the shape of Jesus. It’s filled with the most lovely prose, pointing our kids to the hope of who Jesus is.

Kristin Wynalda, Big Books Little Ears

I See Jesus

What a gift this book is to children and parents! This book joins the ranks of a whole range of children’s books recently emerging that are leading us to Christ through the Old Testament. Nancy Guthrie has followed the instinct of Spurgeon: ‘There is a road from here to Jesus Christ, and I mean to keep on His track till I get to Him.’ She masterfully shows us through various characters, objects and systems of the Old Testament how they foreshadow Christ. In doing so, she helps parents veer from the easy temptation of turning the Old Testament stories into moralism and examples for us to ‘be better’. We see Jesus as the Second Adam (the Garden of Eden), the Ark of Safety (Noah), the Bright Morning Star (Abraham), the Beloved Son (Isaac), the Wisdom of God (Solomon), the True Temple and many, many more. I’ve enjoyed reading this book with its marvellous illustrations by Jenny Brake to my children – my children are now seeing shadows of Jesus throughout the Old Testament.

David Simpson, Holy Trinity Brompton

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The True King
I See Jesus / The True King
I See Jesus (Korean)
I see Jesus (Polish)

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